@potsy a question. In the Championship clubs have to offer equal pricing to home and away fans. So at Ewood the Blackburn (home) and Darwen (away) ends cost the same. The facilities are identical.
Does this happen in League One or Two? I only ask because I gather the uncovered Railway Road end is the usual away section. The facilities appear to be very different to those in the Cheadle End. Just wondered how this works?
The Railway end has been the usual away stand, it has changed a little in recent years with it being opened up to home fans when a small away following is expected.
Then the away fans would be in the last block or two of the Pop side.
There are plans drawn up to increase capacity and the Railway end is the first part of the plan I believe.
As for the game, it's a shame we couldn't put out a stronger team, with the injury crisis I completely understand the reasoning.
We have maybe 12 fit outfield players at the minute, most of last night's team were fringe players with a lot of 16 yr old academy players.
We even got another injury last night, and ironically it was to one of the only senior players!!
Glad you enjoyed your visit, maybe we'll meet again soon in a league game