I forgot to add this last Monday; Traffic Cops,Channel 5
It featured this RTC, where the pick-up had crossed-over
I had to rewind/freeze-frame it, & photograph it
View attachment 761210
Given the incident, & the probable causes of excessive speed/road surface/fairly aggressive tyres (less sipes to clear water), the name of the tyre is more than ironic..................
View attachment 761209
I forgot to add this last Monday; Traffic Cops,Channel 5
It featured this RTC, where the pick-up had crossed-over
I had to rewind/freeze-frame it, & photograph it
View attachment 761210
Given the incident, & the probable causes of excessive speed/road surface/fairly aggressive tyres (less sipes to clear water), the name of the tyre is more than ironic..................
View attachment 761209
.....and a rotten chassis, what could possibly go wrong
You might think they offer more grip but on tarmac the opposite it true... DAMHIK.
Sore hip later cx tyres aren't the best on canal bridges
During the programme, & on-site, they had a look at the Navaro, & found lots of parts that had that wrote on them, as though they'd all come from a breakers (previous accident damage)Unbelievable that they weren't all recalled when they started snapping in half
Unbelievable that they weren't all recalled when they started snapping in half
Unbelievable that they weren't all recalled when they started snapping in half