Tales from today's commute....

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Foggy misty start, time to drive with due care and attention look out for vulnerable road users, nah sod drive like an ass*hole. Cycling down back road limited space as cars are either side 6 lights on the front just ignore that drive straight though I was that close to the car I could see the interior, I had van do the same thing last night, pricks of the highest order. Glad its last day of commuting in the dark. Out again tomorrow longer ride :smile: addicated .....

Well intentioned maybe but very annoying when a colleague suggests to my MD that requirement for hi vis and helmet if cycling should be written into my contract .

A rhyme with "cluck boff" was at the forefront of my mind.

As it was this morning when some moron shouted at me for being on the new dutch-style roundabout. Since its been pretty negatively publicised on local social media, some numpty decided to berate me for being on it whilst the cycle path amd crossings are still under construction. According to this sage of motoring, tne works mean that only cars are allowed on the rab until the cycle path is open.

Why is it that the more incorrect someone is, the louder they are about it?
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Cold crisp and clear enroute to the station and a great moonlit sky. Typically the train that's been cancelled two weeks in a row before today was standing at the platform 8-10mins early. I could have done with it being just 5mins early and I could have got a great ok shot (my camera is p1sh). I grabbed this one on the train before things started to fog up; use your imagination :laugh:

Oh and the usual bike on train snap:


By the time I got off the train it was a right pea souper for the 11.5miles to the office. The drivers were great, particularly the AUDI drivers; 4 of them sat back before a crest of a hill, and then overtook giving me a full lane.

Complete opposite when I left the office, warm and sunny. The heat must have too much for one eejit. I turned right from a main road into road he was going to turn left into 2-3secs later. There was a massive van parked in the junction, so I couldn't fly round and when I didn't melt into the side of the van, that was enough to set him off and when I didn't fall into the potholed wheel grabbing crack behind it he totally exploded. I should have held a primary and really wound him up but the wheel grabbing crack doesn't let you. The rest of the commute to the station was great though and I was just 2secs of my best time. Delightfully (for me anyway) the train I would have missed by around 8 mins was running 15mins late.

By the time I got off the train it was pitch black. The good drivers continued. The first refused to overtake just after town bridge in what eventually becomes a right turn circa 200m later or squeeze by in the wide and straight, straight ahead lane. I eventually pulled into the right turn lane really early. You want to be early with separately signalled lanes, but I was way early to let him make the light for straight ahead lane. He just missed the lights. The 2nd one hung back well before the crest of a steep rail bridge (a lot of folk go for it there with the steep downhill into a well designed single lane road its impossible to overtake for circa 400m). Even when he could overtake he waited for a bit (most folk are desperate by that point). I went slightly passed my house and doubled back north. Thats when I came across the 3rd good driver rather than turning right across my path (they had plenty of time to do so) they waited patiently which meant they had to wait behind me for a distance. It could have been more but I deliberately pulled into a side road. The reason I had went passed my house and doubled back was so I could see the Harvest moon. Again with my camera you'll have to use your imagination but it was much more impressive than what the camera caught.


On the way home yesterday, a police car on a shout came along and was held up by a car that was at the front of the queue at a red traffic light. The police car couldn't get through until the leading car moved off when the lights turned green.
Now this car was obeying the letter of the law as we are aware, but in the circumstances, would their jumping the red light to let the police car through be 'extenuating circumstances' or could they still be prosecuted - ? :whistle:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
On the way home yesterday, a police car on a shout came along and was held up by a car that was at the front of the queue at a red traffic light. The police car couldn't get through until the leading car moved off when the lights turned green.
Now this car was obeying the letter of the law as we are aware, but in the circumstances, would their jumping the red light to let the police car through be 'extenuating circumstances' or could they still be prosecuted - ? :whistle:

Tough call to make tbh; legal situation notwithstanding there's the question of whether it was safe to do so, and the potential repercussions on the driver had they moved and an accident resulted. Tbh this reminds me of the old driving adage "better to be predictable than nice" or whatever it is.

In the car a while ago I indicated and stopped on a long straight to let an oncoming ambulance pass a wagon it was following... except despite the lights and sirens right behind him, the muppet truck driver seemed utterly oblivious. Instead of also pulling over (which would have given the ambulance plenty of room to overtake) the truck just carried on regardless..

I did get a wave of resigned thanks from the ambulance driver as he passed which was unusual - I guess he had nothing better to concentrate on at that moment in time..


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
More enjoyable autumnal dawn riding in. Still air after the winds of last night, and apparently half term, no kids on the path and fewer car on the road.

Didn't twig until near work when I passed two schools without the chaos of parents just parking cars where they felt.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Awoke early as usual and decided to just get up; allowing me to take my time getting everything ready and leave with plenty of time in hand.. which was novel.

Traffic was mercifully light (evidently due to the lack of school traffic mentioned up-thread) however the journey was marred early on by a triamverate of utter tools smashing it down the outside lane of the dual carriageway and cutting in infront of me on the brakes as the lanes merged at the end. In a calm, pragmatic mood for once it was relatively easy to let go, however I made my displeasure known through judicious use of the horn and main-beams...

The car portion was redeemed somewhat at Yarnton as the dry roads and lack of traffic lent themselves well to some heel-and-toe fun on the roundabouts :smile:

On the bike with bags of time to spare; slightly chilly in the long-sleeved base layer. The tow path was quiet in the absence of the usual school traffic and bathed in warm hues thanks to the carpet of fallen leaves; however care was needed thanks to their effect on grip levels.



I stopped briefly at the monkey bars for some dangly-traction; joining what appeared to be a women and her personal trainer. I noticed she was using a part of the frame for tricep dips which was both enlightening (I need to do dips) and irritating (I hate dips and until this point had an excuse not to).


Onward to town with more pleasant interactions, except one - a women stationary on a bike, unnecessarily blocking most of the tow path ahead of me. The cyclist infront of me slowing right down and squeezing past caused no reaction, neither did my bell as I approached. I ended up practically stopping, putting one foot down and pushing the bike's tyre right over to the extremity of the path to get by, and despite my best efforts I still managed to catch her basket with the end of my bars; eliciting a startled yelp. I offered no apology and continued on my way..

Having reached town earlier than I sometimes manage to leave Yarnton I sauntered to the butchers for sausauges; stopping to admire the post box's new hat and Covered Arts' superbe Halloween window display before continuing through town and up the tow path.




Reaching Iffley lock well before the "I can go a bit further" threshold of 8:40 I continued to Kennington; my care on the wet leaves vindicated by the rear wheel slipping on the damp wooden bridge as I got out of the saddle to give myself some impetus up the hill..


Got into work and set about an extra special breakfast courtesy of the butchers and yesterday's chance reduced-egg-mayo sarnie; I think we can all see where this was going..



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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Awoke early as usual and just decided to get up; allowing me to take my time getting everything ready and leave with plenty of time in hand; which was novel.

Traffic was mercifully light (evidently due to the lack of school traffic mentioned in up-thread) however the journey was marred early on by a triamverate of utter tools smashing it down the outside lane of the dual carriageway and cutting in infront of me on the brakes as the lanes merged at the end. In a calm, pragmatic mood for once it was relatively easy to let go, however I made my displeasure known through judicious use of the horn and main-beams...

The car portion was redeemed somewhat at Yarnton as the dry roads and lack of traffic lent themselves well to some heel-and-toe fun on the roundabouts :smile:

On the bike with bags of time to spare; slightly chilly in the long-sleeved base layer. The tow path was quiet in the absence of the usual school traffic, and bathed in warm hues thanks to the carpet of fallen leaves; however care was needed thanks to their effect on grip levels.

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I stopped briefly at the monkey bars for some dangly-traction; joining what appeared to be a women and her personal trainer. I noticed she was using a part of the frame for tricep dips which was both enlightening (I need to do dips) and irritating (I hate dips and until this point had an excuse not to).

View attachment 750043

Onward to town with more pleasant interactions, except one - a women stationary on a bike, unnecessarily blocking most of the tow path ahead of me. The cyclist infront of me slowing right down and squeezing past caused no reaction, neither did my bell as I approached. I ended up practically stopping, putting one foot down and pushing the bike's tyre right over to the extremity of the path to get by, and despite my best efforts I still managed to catch her basket with the end of my bars; eliciting a startled yelp. I offered no apology and continued on my way..

Having reached town earlier than I sometimes manage to leave Yarnton I sauntered to the butchers for sausauges; stopping to admire the post box's new hat and Covered Arts' superbe Halloween window display before continuing through town and up the tow path.

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Reaching Iffley lock well before the "I can go a bit further" threshold of 8:40 I continued to Kennington; my care on the wet leaves vindicated by the rear wheel slipping on the damp wooden bridge as I got out of the saddle to give myself some impetus up the hill..

View attachment 750047

Got into work and set about an extra special breakfast courtesy of the butchers and yesterday's chance reduced-egg-mayo sarnie; I think we can all see where this was going..

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View attachment 750049


Yey, the sausage equilibrium has been restored.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Frantically trying to dry my gear out with a small USB fan. Didn't have time this morning to get my gear down to the drying cabinet, and I wasn't free until 1:30pm. No point putting it in there as someone usually turns it off at lunch time. At least it's only sweaty and not wet.
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