Tales from today's commute....

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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Last night I came the closest to an incident in a long time after some dickhead bus driver failed to check his mirrors (or just decided I didn't matter) before pulling out from stationary around a van; nearly slow-motion-crushing me against a parked bus on the other side of the road in the process.. he seemed unconcerned and looking back I wish I'd clocked the reg and reported him.

This morning was much nicer than yesterday; still grey but with a bit of ethereal mist. Thankfully no rain but occasional light drizzle; I made do with the jacket and the usual lightweight walking trousers. No heart rate data again as my HRM has gone from simply "forgotten" yesterday to "lost" after I failed to put my hands on it last night :sad:

Got out in good time and despite the headwind and damp didn't regret not being one of the muppets sat in traffic. Some nice interactions with people on the tow path and I passed within feet of a nonchalant heron on the bank of the canal :smile:

Once more grateful for the mental health benefits of a pleasant ride in; a welcome escape from the exhaustion of constant stress and conflict that now seems to typify "normal", conformist life.
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
More autumnal riding - dark foreboding skies and a swirly breeeze but actually pleasant and enjoyable.

Couldn't quite work out the wind direction, but I think it was blowing west. The breeze was drying out some of the tracks a little. Rather pleasant ride and my new Endura Humvee 2 trousers are rather warm, certainly warmer than the Altura pants. I'm going to stick with trousers rather than bibs for the commute - just quicker to get on, and they offer some waterproofness in showers/spray.

The 'bog of doom' on my way back home is deteriorating again, it's never really dried out this year. The change of tyres following my blow out means I can cross it fine as these aren't slick.
Didn't realise it was a recovery week in my training plan and took advantage of the ESE tail wind and rushed to catch the 5min to train this evening. It was my second fastest commute since I've settled on that route, missing out by 18s on the fastest. That was easily the cars I got held up by. I made it with about a minute to spare.

Actually looking at it: that route is fairly consistent time wise :-)

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Legendary Member
Put a new rear wheel, chain and cassette on the commuter last night and set it up tubeless. Delightfully the latter tubeless tyre was still solid in the morning. Overall on the dash to the station it felt great having a smooth/ quiet freehub (the old one has a collapsed ball bearing).

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AI reckons:

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Bit what it doesn't realise it is only the start of my journey.

Thank you - you've just reminded me to find out how to turn off that 'Athlete Intelligence' rubbish.
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