Tales from today's commute....

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Muppet central this morning think Kermit was out and about. Nice pull out by bus driver the old signal and pull out without looking routine, didn't like one fingered salute he got as 100 yards down the road tried over take and nice squeeze into the kerb. Nice close over take near width restrictions going full pelt with little stopping distance thanks for that. Three roads down a reverse out onto the road without looking then got bibbed up for sticking finger followed by f-off hope you enjoyed that. When will it stop raining :smile:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Left last night heading towards oncoming patches of rain. Ride was nice at first with ostensibly bright skies ahead, so I pushed it out a little as it felt really good to be out on the bike and I'll seize any opportunity for some time in the saddle before the weather really turns.

Thankfully had a bit more energy than expected and felt up to some time on the rings as the dark clouds began to roll in from the north. By the end of the first set it'd started to drizzle and I finished the session in fairly heavy rain spurred on by a storming goth rock soundtrack, which made me feel like the man :tongue:

Back along the tow path in varying amounts of rain; feeling pretty good that I'd managed to overcome the weather :smile:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Muppet central this morning think Kermit was out and about. Nice pull out by bus driver the old signal and pull out without looking routine, didn't like one fingered salute he got as 100 yards down the road tried over take and nice squeeze into the kerb. Nice close over take near width restrictions going full pelt with little stopping distance thanks for that. Three roads down a reverse out onto the road without looking then got bibbed up for sticking finger followed by f-off hope you enjoyed that. When will it stop raining :smile:

Sounds like you'd really benefit from a camera on the bike. While muppetry should never be tolerated, it's absolutely inexcusible from people who drive for a living and of course if you have evidence they're easy to hold accountable.

As an aside I had a nice one recently on the way to work - bloke in a luton van doing a three point turn in the road; comes to execute the last part to join the road ahead of me in the direction I was travelling and didn't even look before pulling across infront of me (if he'd have waited all of five seconds I'd have been past him, through the ample bit of cycle lane initially remaining in front of the van).

I hit the brakes hard and offered some uncompromising abuse through his open window. He apologised. I suggested he might like to look where he was going; he apologised again. My anger spent and indignation appeased I thanked him, told him his apology was appreciated and bid him good day.

Doesn't happen very often but it's nice when people are big enough to admit their mistakes rather than just doubling down with hostility because their ego can't handle it.. I think / hope we both left that situation feeling OK about it :smile:
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Über Member
Just a very short commute to the local office today, the usual nightmare road was bad as it was college start time so plenty of poor driving from parents dropping off.

Got to the building to find much of it will be in use today so had to take the Dahon down to the basement. If I had checked I would have come on the Brompton as I have made a cubby hole for it in a handy store cupboard.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
So that was the unidentified pinging noise on the bumpy back road this morning.. lunchtime hunt for a mudguard bolt meant buying 50 at Screwfix!

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Ive had a gentle ease in to the commute over the last 3 weeks.
Made up for it today with a SMIDSY pull out, a SMIDGAF pull across my path, mr angry half pulling out from roadside oarking and angrily beeping at me for riding past at the time, crazy salmoning deliveroo rider and a corner cutter, all within a 20 minute journey.

Hopefully Ive banked some credits miw and can have some more peaceful rides...

..though the impending dutch roundabout opening may have an initial mixed effect. I anticipate some confused drivers and some bloody-minded ones "challenging" it by their driving.


Well-Known Member
Muppet central this morning think Kermit was out and about. Nice pull out by bus driver the old signal and pull out without looking routine, didn't like one fingered salute he got as 100 yards down the road tried over take and nice squeeze into the kerb. Nice close over take near width restrictions going full pelt with little stopping distance thanks for that. Three roads down a reverse out onto the road without looking then got bibbed up for sticking finger followed by f-off hope you enjoyed that. When will it stop raining :smile:

Definitely the way to make friends on the road. Does you 'middle finger' stay upright? Maybe use the traditional English two finger salute next time rather than the American import just to make sure the message of your displeasure gets across.


The temps seem awfully low, quite in the freezing category even. Or should I assume those figures are not stated in standard British Fahrenheit units but in some imported temperature aberration?

Last time I checked, Fahrenheit was a German/Polish scientist.
Friday what a difference national work from home day (doss day) no traffic, no dickheads and a smooth hassle free ride into work :0) more of this please feet were like blocks of ice this morning, overshoes needed any excuse to go the bike shop over the weekend :smile:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Friday what a difference national work from home day (doss day) no traffic, no dickheads and a smooth hassle free ride into work :0) more of this please feet were like blocks of ice this morning, overshoes needed any excuse to go the bike shop over the weekend :smile:

Is that because you worked from home too? :tongue:

Makes a sad point though; the world would certainly be a much nicer place if it wasn't for the people..


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The local grammar has started putting out those 'cardboard' children on key points outside the school, you know, double yellow lines and corners of junctions to deter the stupid selfish drop offs. Fortunately I was a little too early to see it all, although as I was approaching the high school (another school by the way), there was a fair amount of horn beeping - yes a parent had decided to stop on the main road, on the 'no parking' zig zags to drop their 'little darling' off as close as possible to the school gate.

Decided to take a slightly different route leaving work, cutting across rather than south then east. Saved a few minutes and about half a mile. Just perfecting my route to avoid some snarled up sections that slow me down. Certainly not using the Floop in the evenings now the nights are drawing in.


Some day sit just all goes against you, not just copious red lights but a giant police horse, children on bikes, schoolkids, buses absolutely everybody seemed determined to be in my way added 5min to my journey. Plus it was cold. Perhaps the last day of cycling in shorts for me.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
The temps seem awfully low, quite in the freezing category even. Or should I assume those figures are not stated in standard British Fahrenheit units but in some imported temperature aberration?

the temps were right as it was ruddy cold last night and even though i was wrapped up enough and not cold when riding after a couple of miles i had misjudged my food needs so i was hungry before i left work and by the time i got home i was having to slow down.Lay in bed and i starting shivering all over.
It was more the wind speed i was alluding too as yesterday it was forecast to be over 1500 mph winds .........


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I noticed the nip yesterday - I'm using Altura MTB longs at the moment, and have some Humvee's coming from an Amazon deal - £27 for longs. Both pairs are slightly 'rain' repellent so work fine in light rain. Just less hassle than putting bib longs on over bib shorts and then 'baggies'.

Accidentally using Finish Line Ceramic Wax at the moment - it's running nice and clean but does need regular application. 'Accidentally' as I ordered the wrong one - didn't look closely enough from Ceramic Wet and Ceramic Wax. It's also in an identical bottle. That said, it worked well on the KAW off road bike packing, but did need re-applying at half way each day due to conditions.
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