Tales from today's commute....

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First ride of 2015 (actually since 4 Dec 2014) due to work / holidays and other commitments - felt very strange leaving the house on the bike - was a bit later than usual and traffic much heavier on the road route - think the legs will take a week or two to get back to normal fitness - but great to be back out there
I'm going to destroy you tomorrow!

P.S. Welcome back!


Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
I'm going to destroy you tomorrow!
I will admit that when you said you could not make it today - it was the first time ever I have been glad to cycle without you for that very reason!!!!

See you in the morning - but i will be in your slipstream most of the way!


I did it! I finally did it!

Made the full 18 mile commute in rather than breaking it up with trains, and I feel genuinely amaazing. Didnt take too long and found some beautiful cycle paths on the way (and some roads to avoid next time as well!)

Weather permitting, I'm gonna try and get the same route in tomorrow as well. Happy Tuesday folks!


Legendary Member
It's only Tuesday and my legs already feel like it is Friday. Looking at the weather forecast shouldn't need to be on the ice bike until Thursday now, so I can't use that as an excuse!


What a lovely ride into work. I came across 3 badgers this morning and one was actually in the city along the canal in Bath. I have never seen one that far into the city in the four years of doing this route.
Came across someone who had a knackered pump and couldn't get air into their tyre in the exact same place where the fella who came to my rescue last week. I stopped and even pumped up his tyre for him as he had just come of a night shift.
nice one Big A^_^


Cycling in the sun
Ride in was generally fine apart from right at the very end of the cycle path when my bike slipped literally beside the bollards. A quick "oh f***" but the cyclists in front of me didn't even turn their heads to see what created the noise. Luckily I sort of managed to stay up even if the bike didn't.

Next problem occurred as I left the office, as some idiot had locked his bike between my bike and the cage. I couldn't get mine out and struggled for about 10 mins. I was getting to the point where I was contemplating undoing their handlebars (and I would have removed a pedal as well if I had a pedal spanner, when I finally managed to force them past each other!

The return journey didn't get much better, I didn't get the normal atmosphere on the path, which was probably all in my head, after hearing about a bike mugging at knife point. I just felt a bit wary, and there was a police horse too which in someways didn't help, more reinforcing my worries.

And finally to finish off a commute that I wasn't enjoying, I met lots of nobbers who were plainly trying to aid planes coming into land with their upwardly pointing lights! That will teach me to leave the office late!

Roll on another day, it can only get better!
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Über Member
Ride in was generally fine apart from right at the very end of the cycle path when my bike slipped literally beside the bollards. A quick "oh f***" but the cyclists in front of me didn't even turn their heads to see what created the noise. Luckily I sort of managed to stay up even if the bike didn't.

Next problem occurred as I left the office, as some idiot had locked his bike between my bike and the cage. I couldn't get mine out and struggled for about 10 mins. I was getting to the point where I was contemplating undoing their handlebars (and I would have removed a pedal as well if I had a pedal spanner, when I finally managed to force them past each other!

The return journey didn't get much better, I didn't get the normal atmosphere on the path, which was probably all in my head, after hearing about a bike mugging at knife point. I just felt a bit wary, and there was a police horse too which in someways didn't help, more reinforcing my worries.

And finally to finish off a commute that I wasn't enjoying, I met lots of nobbers who were plainly trying to aid planes coming into land with their upwardly pointing lights! That will teach me to leave the office late!

Roll on another day, it can only get better!

The police horses were out in Easton at half three. Did wonder why but didn't know about the knife point thing... They left lots of digested grass on the path which I must remember about in the morning.
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