Tales from today's commute....

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Legendary Member
Ice bike or not tomorrow. Forecast is snow in the afternoon.
Not, for me. Will be on it Thursday and Friday if the BBC have the forecast right.


Senior Member
Wet when I set off, wind suddenly turned up to "Crystal Dome" about Half way. Got to the point I literally ran out if gears on a slight climb and had to unclip to stop myself going backward.

Still, at least I got to work ahead of most of my colleagues. Probably filtered past a few stuck in traffic.


Senior Member
Blimey that escalated quickly! Dry and wind free for the first 20 minutes, sailing through the traffic making good progress, hit Trafford Park and all hell broke loose, rain smashing my face and what felt like a swirling hurricane taking me along for the ride. Looks nice again outside now :rolleyes:
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Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Thankfully the heavy rain held off, but the wind made me reduce the distance from 10 miles to 6. Chap in front on a CX bike had an incredibly bright rear light. Like a car foglight. Yuk !


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Out early doors this morning, got some work to get stuck into so started 1 1/2 hrs early. Got to within about 3 miles of work and the rain started, but not enough to make me all squidgy by the time I got in. A smidge of snow forecast for tonight but I don't think it'll be enough to cause any issues.
Only a couple of days to get the January miles in, it will be my highest since I started road cycling.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Thought I was going to gte a soaking this morning as it started to drizzle when I left at 7.30am. But it only lasted for a minute or two. Headwinds were a nightmare, a bit blustery too.

Had one of those funny 'must get in front' cyclists on the A21 today. Strange bugger
Out early doors this morning, got some work to get stuck into so started 1 1/2 hrs early. Got to within about 3 miles of work and the rain started, but not enough to make me all squidgy by the time I got in. A smidge of snow forecast for tonight but I don't think it'll be enough to cause any issues.
Only a couple of days to get the January miles in, it will be my highest since I started road cycling.

Nice one Mick.
Funnily enough, this will be the first time I have cracked the thousand miles mark for a January.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Fixed out. Warm and wet. Very windy too. Nearly took out a pedestrian who walked into main road from behind a van. It was close.

Hard slog but didn't realise how bad until I struggled over from the bike shelter on foot. I think out new building will give the Beetham Tower a run for its money with wind noise. It was howling this morning


Senior Member
60mph gusts this morning according to Met office app. Plus the hail and rain kept me awake in night. A puncture and a snapped brake mount bolt peed me off yesterday morning. So decided to get the tram.

But then felt like id cheated myself so went back and got changed and on the bike. But blustery and wet!! :laugh:
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