Tales from today's commute....

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Looks like its going to be hard work going home tonight....


Cycling in the sun
I decided to cheat and take the bus most of the way, after waiting half an hour I was beginning to think I made a mistake, but the bus turned up at that point. Later when riding on the flat into the wind at 6mph I decided that it's ok to be lazy sometimes.


nothing in moderation
got blown into a bollard outside work this morning, and without me holding on, the wind would have had all 11kg of bike up in the air. only damage was chain off, bizarre rear wheel deflation, and knock to elbow.

wind still bad, so bike left at work and now on train home...
Bit blowy on way back, and traffic worst I've ever seen it, presumbly everyone was panicing about a bit of white stuff coming out of the sky so all left the office at 3pm. Glad I wasn't in it.Just learnt that a friend who also works in Bradford is still sat in it, in that time, I have travelled 9 miles, walked the dog and showered! :dance:


Legendary Member
The wind wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting tonight, though I did have another bloody puncture, second this year already! Think it is time to retire the tyre, done just shy of 13,000 miles on it, so can't really complain
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