Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
A nice ride into work, but on the way home headwind so strong, for the 1st time ever, it stopped me in my tracks, very open area, and just going over a bridge, got to the top and the wind just hit me like a brick,
With luck it was a headwind and not a cross wind, or it might have had me off the bike. and hard ride home, but still beat the rain (just) :smile:


Rural Kent
My first non-domestic commute since coming back from hols. After doing the domestic one yesterday, I think I can safely say that although my knees hurt, I've definitely got fitter on 2 weeks of skiing. Not any lighter or thinner, but definitely fitter!

Managed to start out just after the rain this morning, and it was my first return in daylight (got home about 4.45pm, it was an early one) this year. Yay!


Perfectly ordinary ride home but numpty count is:4 - Four bloody cyclists who think the blitz is on judging from their non-angle spotlights and headlamps. Seriously, we're in London, you don't need that kind of kit - at least angle the damn things or am I going to have to get ARP on your arses? :angry:^_^

Also new disc brake pads are rubbing but with no decent light at the moment in the shed, I'll look up the how-to adjustments tonight (new to discs) and do it at work in the morning, in the daylight!


Cyclists are the real kings of the road...As I take the long ride into work this morning on the bath-bristol cycle track all approaching cyclists show a real courtesy...not only do they cut the main beam on their lights but as they approach me they cover 50% of the light with their hand. I of course oblige and do the same. We respect eachothers right to the road and always greet eachother in a friendly manner.....motorists could learn so much from the attitude of the daily cycling commuter.


Cycling in the sun
Forgot to say that I met a small lorry on the ring road path tonight, wonder of wonders, South Glos have actually done a reasonably major prune of bushes on the corner opposite the Willy Wicket (where you normally have to duck to avoid the hanging brambles. And I think they also pruned back the fallen branch which was my marker to move out around the pothole further along.


Über Member
What a lovely ride into work. I came across 3 badgers this morning and one was actually in the city along the canal in Bath. I have never seen one that far into the city in the four years of doing this route.
Came across someone who had a knackered pump and couldn't get air into their tyre in the exact same place where the fella who came to my rescue last week. I stopped and even pumped up his tyre for him as he had just come of a night shift.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Well I was having a nice commute to work, working on my Cadence to try and pace my first full week commuting, then some crazy zombie ped walked out on me. The panic that went through my mind (I am 3 months post plate surgery for a badly damaged/broken shoulder), I land on my right side and the Ped landed somewhere else. So now I am stiff and saw, my bike will be stuck at work until I can ride again and I have ruined my Castelli nano leggings (worn 3 times) and the wife is going mental. Its the end of my commuting to work days I am afraid to say, I cant risk it and the worry its causing my wife is a big factor in it, it took me 3 months off the bike to convince her my previous incident was pure bad luck.

The good news though is she finally agreed for N+1 at the weekend but I will be doing weekday dawn raids or club runs from now on. Bye bye my SCR nameless friends... :cry:
Bah, that's bad news pal. But why write off commuting because of it? Riding your bike is riding your bike, whether on club runs or out on your own early doors, chance of coming off is the same? Could you of done anything differently that would avoid such an incident again? I don't know, just throwing it out there, never like to hear people giving up the commutes.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Drenched last night on the way home, in one of those showers that soaks you in minutes. Ride in this morning was one of little action, just sitting on the drops spinning into the wind for the second half. One thing that's grating on me a little is the new chain I put on the hack a week back. After every ride it dries out and goes real stiff, I'm having to put a drop of lube on each link every morning at the minute.


Moortown, Leeds
Bah, that's bad news pal. But why write off commuting because of it? Riding your bike is riding your bike, whether on club runs or out on your own early doors, chance of coming off is the same? Could you of done anything differently that would avoid such an incident again? I don't know, just throwing it out there, never like to hear people giving up the commutes.

I could have slowed down but the per just walked out, I can't risk another bad break cycling through Leeds centre and there is no way around the city for me to get to work. Least if I am out early or on week club runs there will be less traffic. I know its sad as I enjoyed commuting but for the sake of my wife worry it has to end, I spent 3 months convincing her that cycling was safe and on my 4th commute to work I now have another off. The bonus is though I still have the green light for the N+1.


Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
First ride of 2015 (actually since 4 Dec 2014) due to work / holidays and other commitments - felt very strange leaving the house on the bike - was a bit later than usual and traffic much heavier on the road route - think the legs will take a week or two to get back to normal fitness - but great to be back out there


Legendary Member
I could have slowed down but the per just walked out, I can't risk another bad break cycling through Leeds centre and there is no way around the city for me to get to work. Least if I am out early or on week club runs there will be less traffic. I know its sad as I enjoyed commuting but for the sake of my wife worry it has to end, I spent 3 months convincing her that cycling was safe and on my 4th commute to work I now have another off. The bonus is though I still have the green light for the N+1.

Bad luck, Leodis - hope you're healing up. A new bike is at least a consolation and, perhaps, over time, you will be able to commute again...

Nice commute this morning, around 3C, gentler crosswinds, and good driving. First: "get a helmet" of 2015 too.

Spotted a buzzard in tree a few feet away as I cycled past - I decided to wave at it like a cycling Dr Doolittle. Oh and a heron flew over my head in Tatton Park. I suspect a seagull will crap on me when I go out for lunch, for the avian triple crown.
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