Tales from today's commute....

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Wet this morning. My waterproof jacket is not so waterproof anymore.


Rain God
Showed remarkable restraint this morning when a pavement cyclist hit my son on his scooter. How I didn't actually thump him I don't know.
I was taking the kids to nursery, wheeling my bike, toddler in backpack carrier and 3 year old on scooter. This gormless yoof on a BSO comes trundling towards us just as the pavement narrows, and keeps going, glancing aside my son. Can't have been much of a contact as there were no tears or anything, just surprise. I stop the guy and yell at him to get on the road. He tells me not to be so rude! Don't be rude, I say, you just ran over my son! He's still alive isn't he, comes the retort. That was the point where I nearly lost it. But I guess it's undignified to start a brawl when carrying a little girl in a summer dress and sun hat on your back, also we are trying to teach our kids NOT to go around hitting people. So I told him again to get on the road, if kids can do it so can he. He rode off. On the pavement. Telling me co commit some kind of sexual act on myself. Charming fellow.
I've seen the guy riding there before. If I see him again he may just wish he'd stuck to the road, it's a traffic calmed designated cycle route ffs!

On the plus side, the pent-up anger helped me set a new record average speed on my commute!


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A visit from the fairy last night just over a mile from home, was just having the old 'fix it or walk' conversation with myself when the Wife pulled up - result - bike in boot and off we go. Not overly impressed with the Mavic Yksion tyres that came with my new Ksyriums, less than 40 miles and a p@ncture already. :cursing:

This morning, it was chucking it down again, took the wet bike (partly as it was the one with air in the tyres!) rain stopped a few miles in, so I took my waterproof jacket off. Really had Friday legs this morning. Bumped into a mate who paced me into Cambridge - probably a good thing really as it helped stretch the legs off.


Here for rides.
I was woken at 03:20 by rain rattling on the windows.

I got up to a warm and muggy morning

I set off under a blanket of dense grey cloud, scudding northwards on a strong breeze but the blanket had holes in it. The sun was intense through the holes and in between the sky was crying from time-to-time. No one tried to kill me, and only two closes passes worth a head shake one of which earned a 'beeeeeeee-EEEEEEEP' from an oncoming car.

All in all it was akin to cycling in a sauna whilst intermittently being sprayed with a fine mist of cold water from a lawn sprinkler. Delicious.


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I was woken at 03:20 by rain rattling on the windows.

I got up to a warm and muggy morning

I set off under a blanket of dense grey cloud, scudding northwards on a strong breeze but the blanket had holes in it. The sun was intense through the holes and in the sky was crying from time-to-time. No one tried to kill me, and only two closes passes worth a head shake one of which earned a 'beeeeeeee-EEEEEEEP' from an oncoming car.

All in all it was akin to cycling in a sauna whilst intermittently being sprayed with a fine mist of cold water from a lawn sprinkler. Delicious.

You do have a wonderful way with words Mr Collins.


Über Member
I took the MTB to work today as the roads were wet, a good ride into work, I just had to watch out for the odd puddle at the side of the road.

3.30 pm finished work and it was just starting to rain,
so I thought its just a quick shower, so took shelter, glad I did, it hammered it down for a good 10 minutes and then 5 minutes later sunshine, so a good ride home:smile:


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One very heavy pannier ruins the handling.


For whom the bell dings
It started raining here about 1am. I can't sleep properly in the van when it's raining.

I thought 'at least when it's this heavy, it doesn't last long.' It lasted til my alarm went off at 0415, and kept going! I was soaked by the time I left the campsite.

The lens of my Chinese back light flew off somewhere leaving me with just the lid-mounted one.

On the plus side, with 110psi in my tyres again I've regained some of my acceleration. Funny how you don't realise the pressure is down til you check. They had about 30psi in them.

Never uneventful, is it?


Here for rides.
Left office in a really bad place.

On exiting the drive I encountered a man on an mtb with his two little kids on their first bikes. The look on their faces shattered my bad mood.

Arrived home with positivity to spare, having got my emotional ducks in a row.

Ain't endorphins wonderful?


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Cycled home after 7pm today, reminded me how shoot it is to cycle after the bus lanes have closed in London. Everyone parking and driving in them.


Senior Member
Cycled home after 7pm today, reminded me how s*** it is to cycle after the bus lanes have closed in London. Everyone parking and driving in them.
Probably the only place in the country where people are aware they can drive in them outside of the marked times. :smile:


Dog on a bike
Well nice little zip into work today. Lelly is now set up properly and ready for her little adventure on Sunday. Scalped a couple of roadies but other than that a very quiet trip.
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