Tales from today's commute....

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I stopped and offered help enquiring as to his well-being "AND YOU CAN **** OFF TOO!" was his reply.

about forty minutes later an oaf in the passenger seat of a poxy vauxhall corsa leaned out of the window and threw a bottle of something at me. It seems my taking primary on double-white lines on an A road was not appreciated by his driver. ****tards the three of them.

Funny old life innit?

Sorry to hear that, I know it can really make you fed up when these things occur, especially two separate occurrences of oiks on one journey.

Only consolation is that fortunately the oiks are still vastly outweighed by decent people in this world.


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Longer commute for me today so that I could take in the climb of 'Portbury Lane'
As I left work lunchtime the heavens opened so it was a very wet ascent, but still very enjoyable, with it only being 4% over 3.2km :ohmy:.
At the top turned left & headed back to Bristol, along Beggar Bush Lane & over the Clifton Suspension Bridge, even spotted a Gromit :thumbsup:

2013-07-29 14.17.14.jpg

Continued down to Hotwells down the VERY steep HopeChapel Lane, passing the SS Great Britain & crossing Milleninum Square, before joining the Bristol/Bath cycle path, where another downpour caught me before arriving home !

Hip Priest

Eventful ride home, by my standards. I was almost right-hooked by a RLJing driver, then I nearly crashed into the back of a lady on hybrid when on a shared path, after she veered sharply into my path. She said she was avoiding cow pats. Being a gentleman I didn't get cross.

Deleted member 1258

Routine commute in this morning, legs were surprisingly lively after yesterdays ride, roads were quiet and everybody's behaving themselves. tonight was totally different, came out and it was raining like Noah was building his ark, plus accompanying thunder lightning and hail, ten minutes later and it had stopped and it was dry till I got home, the worrying thing was the dead legs, nothing in them, I guess the combination of 76 fixed wheel miles yesterday, this mornings commute and a manically busy day had finished them off, yesterday I was revving the fixed into the low twenties, today it was a struggle to get above eighteen, and I was hungry when I got in, the first thing I did was raid the fridge.


Über Member
I thought I would dodge the forecast showers but just caught a heavy shower right at the end of my journey. Managed to stop someone overtaking on a blind bend, they happily waited behind me before the bend so I didn't adopt a full on primary as I thought they had half a brain cell. Turns out I was wrong, they waited till the worst possible moment and I could hear the engine revs rising. Luckily it was a Toyota Aygo and by the sounds of things he was in 3rd or possibly 4th gear at 20mph (tailwind for me :smile:) so I stood up and matched is acceleration whilst moving to full on mega primary with my right hand outstretched to block the overtake. It was well justified as there were 3 cars coming the other way. He waved his arms and shrugged is shoulders in a "wtf" way when he passed me. Not bothered, I know I did right.
Ride in was great on me new ultra Gatorskins and I chose a different route to cover an extra 2-miles.
I paid for the good ride in by nealy head on smash with a freaking idiot woman on a single lane road ignored me and overtook at speed forcing me to almost clip the kerb to avoid her.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Missed the rain. Yay.
Went by what is becoming quite a regular summer route (5.4 miles by the gyratory or 5.5miles by its path). I ease into it (warm up) on a 2 mile off road path and did my best to ignore the scr who overtook me right at the start but couldn't pull away. Didn't know him to draft so I dropped back 20m or so he sat there like a fish on a line (or whatever they say) looking nervously behind for just under two miles until I turned off the path to join the road. It was a really good tail wind (you know that think of legend :rolleyes:) after that for the 3 miles to town. The road was delightlfully traffic light and those few cars which were there were behaving and even the Rivergate gyratory was quiet. Then came the traffic, fortunately I was on the bike and overtook it. The last car wasn't happy though but after me sitting half a car length infront (and to his right) indicating with him unable to close the gap to the car in front, he finally got the message and rather than overlapping my rear wheel eased off to make the gap big enough for me to come in. He then immediately overtook into that 3/4 gap, hey ho and joined the queue :rolleyes: I left him in the queue for right turners (turning left) and got a wind assisted push along St Johns Street and as I passed the island I finally got the SMIDSY I've been expecting for a while (doing the same manouvre as the silver car in the streetview). So I let out a loud Heyyyyyy, which woke him up and immediately came the typical apology. It was a bit OTT on my part as I could drop back but I wanted to let him know my disgust :rolleyes:


In between here and there
Someone pulled right out in front of me this morning, and took the time to yell you c*** out of his window, wtf I didn't even have to time to get the first abuse in just about managed a startled wide eye look as I gripped my brakes


Here for rides.
Routine ride home.

Ride in this morning was grim but the fracking protest at Balcombe (I had an errand to run in the next town to mine and thus took a very different route) was going swimmingly.
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