Last night I recounted this tale
On exiting the drive I encountered a man on an mtb with his two little kids on their first bikes. The look on their faces shattered my bad mood.
This evening, about 50m further on from where I met Dad'n'kids I beheld a curious site. A cyclist on the cycle route/path, throwing himself into the abundant hedge where he cowered in terror in the face of an old lady and two very small dogs, long coat chihuahuas I suspect, on very short leads.
"Interesting" I thought "perhaps the two have form?" The lady nervously made her way past our two-wheeled friend and as I drew level with her she let loose a dreadful curse "****ing cycists, you're all a ****ing menace!"
Our colleague, an old boy, was picking himself out of the hedge, and I noticed he was sitting in a BSO at least two sizes too large, and the ends of his trousers were tied with string in place of cycle clips. He moved off, without a rearwards glance, just as I drew level, and a string of the most prodigious anti-canine oaths streamed from his lips "****ing dogs, they're a ****ing menace!" and similar over and over and then for no reason I could think of, he fell off. And when I say fell off, I mean he threw himself on the ground.
I stopped and offered help enquiring as to his well-being "AND YOU CAN **** OFF TOO!" was his reply.
about forty minutes later an oaf in the passenger seat of a poxy vauxhall corsa leaned out of the window and threw a bottle of something at me. It seems my taking primary on double-white lines on an A road was not appreciated by his driver. ****tards the three of them.
Funny old life innit?