Tales from today's commute....

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A Human Being
Lovely conditions for cycling this morning, last day of my personal 8 week 3,404km cycle challenge and only about 15km left which I should manage on the way home:tongue:


Legendary Member
The Sirrus sounded seriously sick on the way home last night, so came into work on the road bike, didn't really feel like biking this morning, very heavy legs, but the road bike was such a joy to ride and the weather so glorious that I ended up doing 46 miles.
A short ride back to the flat for me last night, I planned on going straight out for a proper ride, checked fb and a mate said he was going out in the evening so I joined him meaning I had a nice relaxed warm up. Nothing happened on the commute iirc except I got home!

This morning was quite pleasant, a little cooler but dry and bright and traffic seemed no existant so it made for a very pleasant ride in. The only thing of note I can recall is a driver not sqeezing through to beat me to road works and afterwards waiting patiently for a proper gap even though I was in a cr@ppy lane.


Über Member
Nice ride into work, not many cars today (you have to love the 6 weeks holidays) no parents on the school run,
Good ride home, and nice weather :smile:


Here for rides.
Last night I recounted this tale
On exiting the drive I encountered a man on an mtb with his two little kids on their first bikes. The look on their faces shattered my bad mood.
This evening, about 50m further on from where I met Dad'n'kids I beheld a curious site. A cyclist on the cycle route/path, throwing himself into the abundant hedge where he cowered in terror in the face of an old lady and two very small dogs, long coat chihuahuas I suspect, on very short leads.

"Interesting" I thought "perhaps the two have form?" The lady nervously made her way past our two-wheeled friend and as I drew level with her she let loose a dreadful curse "****ing cycists, you're all a ****ing menace!"

Our colleague, an old boy, was picking himself out of the hedge, and I noticed he was sitting in a BSO at least two sizes too large, and the ends of his trousers were tied with string in place of cycle clips. He moved off, without a rearwards glance, just as I drew level, and a string of the most prodigious anti-canine oaths streamed from his lips "****ing dogs, they're a ****ing menace!" and similar over and over and then for no reason I could think of, he fell off. And when I say fell off, I mean he threw himself on the ground.

I stopped and offered help enquiring as to his well-being "AND YOU CAN **** OFF TOO!" was his reply.

about forty minutes later an oaf in the passenger seat of a poxy vauxhall corsa leaned out of the window and threw a bottle of something at me. It seems my taking primary on double-white lines on an A road was not appreciated by his driver. ****tards the three of them.

Funny old life innit?
It's the heat. The cagers are going mental, you know when an approaching car wants to turn right across you and they nip over so they are clipping the corner and driving on the wrong side of the road? Had that today.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Started raining as I left home, waterproof on. Didn't last long, and waterproof off. Nothing to report other than traffic is much quieter this morning now the schools have finished. Traffic free for 6 weeks now !


Here for rides.
School's are out and the roads are much clearer. A very Zen-like state of mind today with the legs and lungs on autopilot, 70" gear and climbing seated FTW!
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