Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
After a couple of the very light frosts earlier this week, it has been very breezy and mild. I saw that I would have a good tailwind on the way to work this morning, so I put my foot down (so to speak) and averaged 36.9 kph on the flat route to work of 27.5 km. 155 bpm average too!

In a few hours I will have the headwind to look forward to.... 😬

Photo illustrates the aerodynamic issues with my commuting setup 😄

Same here with aero with added MTB with semi slicks = heavy and slow.


South Wales
Windy this morning but dry - though the roads were wet. More tailwind than headwind on the way in.

Forecast for home time is for the wind to drop to about half what it was this morning, but be raining.
For a Friday the 13th commute that wasnt bad. In the morning out of the 12.5miles I probably got less than 1/2 mile wet and that was only a shower. At night I grabbed a weather window and it was probably one of the fastest commutes of the year in the effort t stay dry. It worked and I also manage to catch the train which was about 30 mins earlier than the one I usually get. I like Friday commutes the train from London was relatively empty. There were two folk sitting in the cycle bay but before I even asked one of them got up letting me tie the bike up and sit down. Delightfully free wi-fi was working so I fired up GCN+ and tuned into Red Bull Rampage. They folk are crazy :crazy:



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yep, first cold commute since earlier this year. Was 7° when I left for work this morning at 7.30am but there had been a frost over night.
So dug out the leg and arm warmers and the Night Vision jacket.
It's looking like today is the only really cold day here in the South East. tomorrow and rest of the week its back in to the low/mid teens temperature wise.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I got the ice wheels on standby having seen yesterday's hard frost. Fortunately, I have spare wheels this year, rather than just tyres, so can swap them in if we get a cold day, rather than ride them all winter (which is soul destroying).


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I got the ice wheels on standby having seen yesterday's hard frost. Fortunately, I have spare wheels this year, rather than just tyres, so can swap them in if we get a cold day, rather than ride them all winter (which is soul destroying).

I need to set mine up. Got the wheels, just not put the tyres on them yet. I was a little under-gloved this morning but cut it down to 5 miles so it wasn't too painful.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I need to set mine up. Got the wheels, just not put the tyres on them yet. I was a little under-gloved this morning but cut it down to 5 miles so it wasn't too painful.

I also aligned the cassette so it indexed perfectly with the other wheels. Different make of hub, and I have a set of spacers in 0.25mm increments (quarter of a mm), so swapped the existing spacer for one that was very slightly thicker, which was spot on.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I got the ice wheels on standby having seen yesterday's hard frost. Fortunately, I have spare wheels this year, rather than just tyres, so can swap them in if we get a cold day, rather than ride them all winter (which is soul destroying).

Reminds me I need to check whether my old snow stud tyre will fit my new commute bike (unlikely I think- it'll fit without the 'guards but that's not much use to me)
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