Made my first "full" commuting today. If nothing goes wrong: roughly 23,5km one way to Münster.
All went fine until I took one turning too early. That should have been a warning.
Fortunately that was near work and I managed to find the right way quickly. Apropos quickly: I needed just one hour to get to work. So fast, so good.
The next mistake was to take the stairs instead of the elevator: the left lower leg cramped. During my meetings I tried to get rid of the cramp but that worked only partly.
Then I decided to ride home before the next video call. One and a half hour should be enough time. But somehow the front wheel started to touch the fender. No big deal with the multi tool, but the minutes went by.
As I reached the city boundary of Münster I started to grasp why the ride to work was so fast: tailwind. Ok, one or two gears lower than on the way there and it should work despite the cramp. So the way home started to become a challenge: don't be late at the video call and don't let the cramp go worse. Of course I got lost near Nottuln, but fortunately I got lost at the same crossing two weeks ago, could remember the alternative route and I didn't lose too much time.
I got home only two minutes late, hurried to log into the video call - only to realise that the video call is half an hour later than I thought.
Few hours later I had to ride to the supermarket, went to the garage to take the bicycle and saw that the rear tire (of course the rear tire!) is flat due to a puncture.
A day for the history books...