England : London Sunday London ride

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Bexley, Kent
Very satisfying ride this morning, even if the act of cleaning my bike yesterday did bring on the rain for a spell. Great to see @Mice looking as fit as ever - it's been a while! After the Horse Guards passed, four of us headed East, but by the time we got to St Paul's we realised there were just two of us. The other two having been delayed by a deflation, or two, necessitating a detour via Evans at London Bridge. So we pressed on to Fat Boys. Breakfasts were ordered. We became three when @User10571 turned up. Then we were five - @topcat1 and @ianrauk had resolved their mechanicals and caught up. And finally we were six when @wanda2010 arrived to complete the set. A little bit of bell ringing ensued, and oh how we laughed when @topcat1 tried riding Fixed. (Actually - looking at the Instagram video - you were riding with a flat tyre Dave.) The puncture was fixed, we said our goodbye to @wanda2010 who was staying for second breakfasts and the rest of us headed to the ferry from where I made my way back home. A splendid morning all round, and it only rained twice.

See you all next time.


Lovely to catch up with whom attendance with was
well overdue
Very satisfying ride this morning, even if the act of cleaning my bike yesterday did bring on the rain for a spell. Great to see @Mice looking as fit as ever - it's been a while! After the Horse Guards passed, four of us headed East, but by the time we got to St Paul's we realised there were just two of us. The other two having been delayed by a deflation, or two, necessitating a detour via Evans at London Bridge. So we pressed on to Fat Boys. Breakfasts were ordered. We became three when @User10571 turned up. Then we were five - @topcat1 and @ianrauk had resolved their mechanicals and caught up. And finally we were six when @wanda2010 arrived to complete the set. A little bit of bell ringing ensued, and oh how we laughed when @topcat1 tried riding Fixed. (Actually - looking at the Instagram video - you were riding with a flat tyre Dave.) The puncture was fixed, we said our goodbye to @wanda2010 who was staying for second breakfasts and the rest of us headed to the ferry from where I made my way back home. A splendid morning all round, and it only rained twice.

See you all next time.
Top day out .
In top company.
Need I say more?
Four of us set off from Hyde Park corner towards Trafalgar Square. Our conversational pace had split us into two groups and by the time we realised we had lost the other two we were already at St Paul's Cathedral. A quick call established a visitation had delayed @topcat1 and @ianrauk so we headed east. Our destination was Trinity Buoys Wharf although I think I should rename it Trinity Boys Wharf as the male contingents always love it. Full fat carbed breakfasts in a melange of inventive activities. Respectful though I am of Sir Michael Faraday and his workshop it seems to be the only Sunday London Ride destination at the moment...! Luckily @rb58 guided me through the City and on to the A13 so we could have a real bike ride rather than the ghastly super(not)myway that is full of shared pavements, glass, potholes and roads that run across it that I have used before to the wharf.

At Fat Buoys Diner breakfasts were consumed, @User10571 and @wanda2010 joined us and we all chatted about all sorts of stuff. As we do! This included the Fridays rides and we were all of the view that no matter how many group rides we do - nobody but nobody leads a group ride to the standard that their Leggships do (and yes @Agent Hilda that includes you because you put the icing on the cake for all of us).

The time flew by, more teas and coffees then it was time to go. A quick look at a tidal bell and then off to the Woolwich ferry after a visitation was repaired. This provided an opportunity for Ianrauk to test ride my bike. I think he liked it! He did give me some cleaning tips - some of which I have already put into practise! Our timing at the Woolwich ferry was perfect - we rode down the ramp and the barriers closed behind us. I was busy taking pics and a m\n stepped out of his car to take a group shot. Very kind. Those of us with gears set ourselves in the lower ones ready for the ramp and once on the main road we all headed off into different directions - @topcat1 and I headed back to town.

What a day. There had been much hilarity! F'rinstance .... Being told we hadn't needed to go to HPC conveniences because @Mista Preston wasn't with us! And the speed at which we all ran outside to watch @topcat1 ride fixed - convinced he was going to come a cropper (when of course he was as cool as a, err, cat)!! And @ianrauk saying that @rb58s steel fixed steed was nothing but a toy bike - to which @rb58 replied - yes, gears are for girls!! And the moment later on when I was struggling with the amount of force I needed to keep up with @topcat1 . "Is there a headwind?" I puffed. "No" came the reply "you are in the wrong gear" he went on. I looked at my feet and pedaled with all my might. "Are you sure there isn't a headwind?" I asked again. "Ha! Yes indeed there is a headwind and it's quite strong" came back the guffawing reply! He was actually laughing at his own joke!!

I don't know many miles I rode but every one a winner! I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen these fab peeps and much look forward to doing it again. As for Woodrup and Fitzrovia Cycles - I am very, very happy! It has been a very humbling experience, understanding the true meaning of the word craftsmanship. My bike for life has me smiling already - no wonder I call myself the 5mile cyclist!

I took some pics and I think this link now works: https://picasaweb.google.com/108733...&authkey=Gv1sRgCNHLy-7t-vvrDw&feat=directlink and I wrote about it here http://the5milecyclist.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/a-week-worth-waiting-for.html (@vernon :wahhey:)

I'm hoping I will be able to do some more of these rides - it's been too long.

Thank you peeps for a great day.

Mice :hello:


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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
thanks @Mice . Nice bike and nice pics.
Even the non predicted wet weather couldn't put a dampener on the ride.
I was meant to join Jay on his Herts ride today but was told in no uncertain terms that I had to be home by 3pm for family stuff which ruled that ride out.
So a quick resurrection of the SLR it was to be.
There really was a lovely selection of bikes being ridden today. Such a privilege being able to have a ride of someone else's pride and joy.


Four of us set off from Hyde Park corner towards Trafalgar Square. Our conversational pace had split us into two groups and by the time we realised we had lost the other two we were already at St Paul's Cathedral. A quick call established a visitation had delayed @topcat1 and @ianrauk so we headed east. Our destination was Trinity Buoys Wharf although I think I should rename it Trinity Boys Wharf as the male contingents always love it. Full fat carbed breakfasts in a melange of inventive activities. Respectful though I am of Sir Michael Faraday and his workshop it seems to be the only Sunday London Ride destination at the moment...! Luckily @rb58 guided me through the City and on to the A13 so we could have a real bike ride rather than the ghastly super(not)myway that is full of shared pavements, glass, potholes and roads that run across it that I have used before to the wharf.

At Fat Buoys Diner breakfasts were consumed, @User10571 and @wanda2010 joined us and we all chatted about all sorts of stuff. As we do! This included the Fridays rides and we were all of the view that no matter how many group rides we do - nobody but nobody leads a group ride to the standard that their Leggships do (and yes @Agent Hilda that includes you because you put the icing on the cake for all of us).

The time flew by, more teas and coffees then it was time to go. A quick look at a tidal bell and then off to the Woolwich ferry after a visitation was repaired. This provided an opportunity for Ianrauk to test ride my bike. I think he liked it! He did give me some cleaning tips - some of which I have already put into practise! Our timing at the Woolwich ferry was perfect - we rode down the ramp and the barriers closed behind us. I was busy taking pics and a m\n stepped out of his car to take a group shot. Very kind. Those of us with gears set ourselves in the lower ones ready for the ramp and once on the main road we all headed off into different directions - @topcat1 and I headed back to town.

What a day. There had been much hilarity! F'rinstance .... Being told we hadn't needed to go to HPC conveniences because @Mista Preston wasn't with us! And the speed at which we all ran outside to watch @topcat1 ride fixed - convinced he was going to come a cropper (when of course he was as cool as a, err, cat)!! And @ianrauk saying that @rb58s steel fixed steed was nothing but a toy bike - to which @rb58 replied - yes, gears are for girls!! And the moment later on when I was struggling with the amount of force I needed to keep up with @topcat1 . "Is there a headwind?" I puffed. "No" came the reply "you are in the wrong gear" he went on. I looked at my feet and pedaled with all my might. "Are you sure there isn't a headwind?" I asked again. "Ha! Yes indeed there is a headwind and it's quite strong" came back the guffawing reply! He was actually laughing at his own joke!!

I don't know many miles I rode but every one a winner! I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen these fab peeps and much look forward to doing it again. As for Woodrup and Fitzrovia Cycles - I am very, very happy! It has been a very humbling experience, understanding the true meaning of the word craftsmanship. My bike for life has me smiling already - no wonder I call myself the 5mile cyclist!

I took some pics https://picasaweb.google.com/108733694586194797062/Sunday24thNovember?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCNHLy-7t-vvrDw&feat=directlink and I wrote about it here http://the5milecyclist.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/a-week-worth-waiting-for.html (@vernon :wahhey:)

I'm hoping I will be able to do some more of these rides - it's been too long.

Thank you peeps for a great day.

Mice :hello:
Lovely to see you .
Your photo linky isn't working :sad:


vintage Mercian 2012
nice bike/write up Mice, was laughing so much i had to read it twice

what a splended way to spend a day and i'm so glad bike shops open on sunday

thanks Ian for helping with 2 visitations

i got to ride fixed thanks to Ross, was a bit nervous for about 10secs then i decided not think about it and rode, great fun
so i'll be spending some time over the road at lfgss (can you guess where my xmas bonus is going :stop:)

:bicycle:= it's what sundays are for
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@topcat1 - Good man. See you on the Waifs and Strays ride then? :smile:


i got to ride fixed thanks to Ross, was a bit nervous for about 10secs then i decided not think about it and rode, great fun
so i'll be spending some time over the road at lfgss (can you guess where my xmas bonus is going :stop:)
I think you'll love it :smile:
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