England : London Sunday London ride

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Thanks all for a cracking ride.
A nice little turn out for a day that promised to be fffffreeeezing cold.
I left home this morning at 7.30am to do some pre-ride mileage so popped into the countryside. The frost wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Met Mista P at the Dripping Tap at 8.30am to head off to HPC. On teh way we were buzzed by 2 coaches. One from Poland and one from the Czech Rep. The CR coach driver was especially acting like a complete moron. Both myself and Mista P had to point out to him that he was driving like an idiot. Considering both coaches were left hand drive there was no way on earth they couldn't have seen us. :rolleyes:

Any way.. HPC and a nice merry band was waiting. It looked like a Ti convention. Mark St1 mentioned to me that he hadn't seen a Ti bike in the flesh before. Today he had 4 to choose from from 3 different manufacturers. I did offer to let him have a ride of mine but we had different cleat systems.

So a nice full english and a cuppa at Alexander Palace..(with a couple of bits of Sig's legendary Cherry cake thrown in for good measure)

Must admit I also did chuckle at V4V's walking up the hill antics... sorry mate. :thumbsup:

Back into central London. Some split for LMNH whilst 4 of us headed for the Cable Car. With such a beautiful day it would be rude not too.

Myself and User10571 left Rb58 and MistaP at the Dome to head home whilst we took to River Thameside back into Greenwich.

Leaving User10571 at Greenwich I took myself home along the Waterlink Way which was looking fabulous in the cold afternoon sunshine.

Got to Shortlands, took a corner and BAM.. I was down. Luckily I wasn't going at any speed, but do have a nice uncooked hamburger impression on my thigh. The VanNick now has a couple of horrid scrapes on the left hand gear changer :sad:.

2 motorists saw what happened and both asked if I was ok. :thumbsup:

I took the metal bike today instead of the black dust bike in case it was icy or frosty. It wasn't ice or frost that was to have me off. I checked the road for what caused it. A Bloody diesel spill :cursing:.

75 miles for the day.. was going to stay out for longer.. but I hurt :sad:


Sorry to hear about the scratches....
Look upon them as battle scars.....

Pleased that you enjoyed the day...

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Aww Ian dude, so sorry to hear about you hitting the deck, glad your OK though
Can you buff the scratches out with a dremell and some slight abrasive polish like t-cut? - dunno how these titanium things work or are they deep?

Good to see you again as well, I can't say I did the same mileage as you as I mixed it up with some walking for good measure.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Tough luck, Ian. Even when there doesn't seem to be another vehicle involved in the off, it turns out that a leaky vehicle got you when it was nowhere near. It sounds like you cycled past my flat (just after those lovely gates on the Creekside centre) while I was pootling around London wondering whether I'd cross your path.


Silencing his legs regularly
Ouch! All too similar to my (and more importantly, the bike's!) battle damage after Reigate Hill (right shifter, pedal and rear derailleur- though that'll be replaced with a nearly-new one at next service). Thankfully, my body prevented further damage to the Viner :smile:

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Sorry to hear that Ian. Hope you can restore your bike those ti things look damn sleek i have to say. More importantly glad your ok and the road rash isn't to bad.

i had 2 offers to ride ti bikes User10571 kindly offered me a go on his about 5 minutes after meeting him (must be my trustworthy personality lol) id never forgive myself for dropping someone elses pride and joy though so had to decline. thanks for the offers though :thumbsup:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Mista Preston's pics from the London Cable Car yesterday.




Junior Walker and the Allstars
Thanks all for a cracking ride.
A nice little turn out for a day that promised to be fffffreeeezing cold.
I left home this morning at 7.30am to do some pre-ride mileage so popped into the countryside. The frost wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Met Mista P at the Dripping Tap at 8.30am to head off to HPC. On teh way we were buzzed by 2 coaches. One from Poland and one from the Czech Rep. The CR coach driver was especially acting like a complete moron. Both myself and Mista P had to point out to him that he was driving like an idiot. Considering both coaches were left hand drive there was no way on earth they couldn't have seen us. :rolleyes:

Any way.. HPC and a nice merry band was waiting. It looked like a Ti convention. Mark St1 mentioned to me that he hadn't seen a Ti bike in the flesh before. Today he had 4 to choose from from 3 different manufacturers. I did offer to let him have a ride of mine but we had different cleat systems.

So a nice full english and a cuppa at Alexander Palace..(with a couple of bits of Sig's legendary Cherry cake thrown in for good measure)

Must admit I also did chuckle at V4V's walking up the hill antics... sorry mate. :thumbsup:

Back into central London. Some split for LMNH whilst 4 of us headed for the Cable Car. With such a beautiful day it would be rude not too.

Myself and User10571 left Rb58 and MistaP at the Dome to head home whilst we took to River Thameside back into Greenwich.

Leaving User10571 at Greenwich I took myself home along the Waterlink Way which was looking fabulous in the cold afternoon sunshine.

Got to Shortlands, took a corner and BAM.. I was down. Luckily I wasn't going at any speed, but do have a nice uncooked hamburger impression on my thigh. The VanNick now has a couple of horrid scrapes on the left hand gear changer :sad:.

2 motorists saw what happened and both asked if I was ok. :thumbsup:

I took the metal bike today instead of the black dust bike in case it was icy or frosty. It wasn't ice or frost that was to have me off. I checked the road for what caused it. A Bloody diesel spill :cursing:.

75 miles for the day.. was going to stay out for longer.. but I hurt :sad:
Mend soon Ian.
I was going to join this ride, but I'd a similar one on Saturday morning on my usual little run round the Chilterns. I stacked it on black ice. Managed to ride 5 miles back home, was completely immobile on Sunday morning and following X-ray at Wycombe Minor injuries unit, they tell me this morning I've a hairline crack in the femoral joint (it's the ball at the top of the femur). Care and time will heal it, I'm advised.
Dag nabbit, that's my annual target gone.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
The call of the Surrey lanes proved just too enticing on Sunday, for me :shy:

Looks like a good day was had by all - but sorry to hear about Ian and Charlie's accidents! Get well soon both.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Mend soon Ian.
I was going to join this ride, but I'd a similar one on Saturday morning on my usual little run round the Chilterns. I stacked it on black ice. Managed to ride 5 miles back home, was completely immobile on Sunday morning and following X-ray at Wycombe Minor injuries unit, they tell me this morning I've a hairline crack in the femoral joint (it's the ball at the top of the femur). Care and time will heal it, I'm advised.
Dag nabbit, that's my annual target gone.

Oh gawd Charlie.
Sorry to hear that. Heal quick my friend.
Sometimes, chasing our mileage goals can be counter productive.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2

Ian - you have reached your goal. So sit back and relax for the rest of December! No need to do any further cycling, imho. Take it easy :smile:

Mate. I am.
Or trying to anyway, my bleedin' body feels like it's been in the wars. It needs a rest.
The cold weather makes my dodgy knee flare up.
My shoulder injury also hurts in this weather.
My arse has a nice un-coocked hamburger impression on it.
My left shoulder and right wrist also hurt from Sunday's fall.
And I have a bad chest at the moment.

oh forgot to add.
Have 2 weeks off over chrimble and new year.
That will be my rest....
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