Nice pics Dave
After much 'will I won't I' I finally got a pass card late Saturday night, and woke to find sunny cheer in the back garden. From the warmth of a heated and double glazed house, it was decidedly a lovely day.
Exiting via the front door some 40 minutes later, I realised just how effective the insulation was. With the mercury doing chin-ups on the zero bar, I edged my way through frosty streets to The Dripping Tap. The sun sat low in a cloudless sky throwing icy shadows across my path, and I was pleased to find Mikey, TC1, and Gaz already installed at the corner.
No waiting meant leaving on warm(ish) legs, and we made good pace through Bromley and down into Catford, Lewisham, and beyond. I must confess to rather ruining Mikey's roll down test with Gaz. Too cold to sit back and drift. Lovely run along Lewisham Way, bents out front, uprights tailing through the lights.
Tollers was waiting for us Camberwell, and (for once) we were on time. Various allegations were thrown around, but it wasn't long before we all agreed to blame absent colleagues (Ian) and headed on to town. As we neared Victoria, the pavements (and roads) got busier, the sun warmer, the going slower. Much interest from the kerbside with two recumbents side by side, and it was very good to know only half of the pointing was aimed at me for once.
As creatures of habit, we parked at HPC, whilst Dave eulogised on the greatness of Hyde Park's public conveniences. Unhappy to see the McPiss cast in such unfavourable light, we detoured to check it out en mass. From there, a quick loop around the the park, and (via minor mechanical with his derailleur) onto Mikey's office. Nice piece of real estate that. Prime location, open plan facility with lots of natural light.
Quick pop back through HPC, along the perfectly flat Constitution Hill, past the palace only to find the guard already mid change. Snagged up momentarily whilst the horses pass, then on to Trafalgar, along the Victoria Embankment, around The Tower, wave off Tollers, back over the river, wave off Dave, into Tooley Street, and head for home. Gaz span up Beckenham Hill leaving me the delights of an ascent to Bromley on my ownsome.
The Sally Army were in Bromley High Street, and I managed to slot in ahead of them for a quick promenade through the pedestrian centre. Hadn't realised they were about to kick off with a brass band number, so found myself a few metres infront, walking in time, and generally parting the crowd. All faintly ridiculous, which was nice.
Home for midday, which sees the pass card automatically renewed for next week. Gaz has agreed to bring good weather, and it should be a good un.
Cheers all.