England : London Sunday London ride

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Über Member

re 0930, thanks - when lurking previuosly I thought I had seen references to early starts from time to time. Yesterday we returned from a week away and so have a backlog of chores - don't wait for me if I have not appeared at the appointed hour.

If the likelihood is for terrain no more bumpy than RP I might try the fixed gear. I MUST SAY IT WILL BE MY FIRST TRY AT FIXED IN COMPANY and if anyone objects I am quite happy to bring the gears.

Bring whatever bike you feel like riding, it's a London ride so it'll be hard to find any hills that you'll struggle with.

The earlier starts were usually to do with longer rides which occasionally happen on a Sunday, although there is usually still a few who want to stick the the regular Sunday morning ride.

9.30 is the regular start we'll usually hang around for a bit before heading to the toilets just inside Hyde Park.
I have been up with myself since 03:45 Clive - can't get much younger than that! Get your sorry butt on that bike! :smile:

i wish it was that simple. Need to be dad this morning and give the wife a chance to catch up on her sleep. Have a good ride all.

Why were you up at 03.45 ?


Über Member
Damp roads but warm and drying this morning people - go for it!

By the way Luke, where's Elise / Lisa? Did your Hyde Park toilet cruising put her off... not surprised. :whistle:

Elize keeps going for rides on Saturdays then insisting she needs a day off to recover
but at least she's now removed the plastic plate from her bike.

I'll be getting the summer gear out for the first time today (with limb warmers in pocket just in case).
Getting ready for a strict exercise regime of course Clive. 500 press ups, 100 leg stretches, fifteen minutes trying to untie a pyjama cord, followed by a packet of scotch pancakes and four pots of coffee and, two oranges, squeezed lovingly, poured from squeezer to wine glass and consumed like it is the elixir of life.
Apart from that, heading North this morning for a couple of hours and then got some stuff to prep. for tomorrow. Also, coincidentally, I bought a book last weekend about a Japanese architect, Tadao Ando. I want to read it because the events in Japan have brought everything like this into 'sharp focus'. And then there's the rugby, of course... I have to go and see a Scotch woman this morning :rolleyes: who is a bit keen of the old Braveheart Bashers :smile: Anyway, my legs ache a bit, I have rolled around for 200 + this week and I want to go and play shopping!
Have a good day, and fun with junior - and don't nick his breakfast. (Or wear his babygro). The littest one will no doubt be fast asleep. :biggrin:


vintage Mercian 2012
just got back,

HaloJ you've got a lot to answer for, i keep riding out to stapleford abbots (the roads are very nice out that way) and kept

going, today i got as far as woodend and had swing round and made my way to brentwood

passed by lmnh but didn't recognise anyone and it was raining so shot home

can you guess where i'll be going next week


Über Member
What a miserable day for a ride.

Started out lovely thought I had made a good decision to go with the shorts.

Just the 4 of us this week Fly, gbs, Sittingduck and me. Soon after leaving the drizzle started, not enough to call rain but enough to leave a mist on your glasses.
We decided to head for familiar territory and go to Richmond Park. SittingDuck suggested a back way past Hammersmith which was actually straight down Bayswater Road to Shepherds Bush then straight down to Hammersmith and around the gyratory. I'd hate to see what he considers a busy route

Once we got to Richmond Park the heavens opened and it was now I was regretting the shorts, at least it wasn't cold just wet. We cut through the middle and then up to cafe to get out of the rain.

As we were all soaked and motivation had now disappeared down the drain with the rain water we all headed different directions for home.

Obviously it stopped raining soon afterwards

Highlight of today's ride came at the start while waiting for people to turn up


I resisted the urge to engage him in battle
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