Getting ready for a strict exercise regime of course Clive. 500 press ups, 100 leg stretches, fifteen minutes trying to untie a pyjama cord, followed by a packet of scotch pancakes and four pots of coffee and, two oranges, squeezed lovingly, poured from squeezer to wine glass and consumed like it is the elixir of life.
Apart from that, heading North this morning for a couple of hours and then got some stuff to prep. for tomorrow. Also, coincidentally, I bought a book last weekend about a Japanese architect, Tadao Ando. I want to read it because the events in Japan have brought everything like this into 'sharp focus'. And then there's the rugby, of course... I have to go and see a Scotch woman this morning

who is a bit keen of the old Braveheart Bashers

Anyway, my legs ache a bit, I have rolled around for 200 + this week and I want to go and play shopping!
Have a good day, and fun with junior - and don't nick his breakfast. (Or wear his babygro). The littest one will no doubt be fast asleep.