England : London Sunday London ride

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West London
Have a good ride today, guys.

I've got to work today, but after a few false starts, I finally made it out for a proper post-Christmas ride yesterday.

I met a friend at Harefield and we headed out into the Chilterns. Well-trodden roads to Chalfont St Giles, Winchmore Hill, Little Kingshill, Great Missenden and then up the hill and down to Chesham. Then a new one for me - a nice winding road tracking the river followed by a steep hill up to Chenies, then Chorleywood and back to Harefield.

Quite cold in the wet, misty air, most of the ponds and lakes were still frozen and there are piles of snow dotted around, and even a covering on some of the higher-up fields. A few new potholes to look out for.

62 miles altogether for me.


Mark Grant

Acting Captain of The St Annes Jombulance.
Hanworth, Middx.
I got in a little while ago after leaving the others at Bushy Park. I was only 3 miles from home so decided to get home early.
We went west to Walton where we had a tea stop then on to Weybridge and back through Walton to Hampton Court and Bushy Park.
A nice ride, 44 miles for me.
Thanks all and Happy New Year :cheers:



Über Member
Don't listen to him Anthony. It's always a jolly!!!

I retract that statement. This was not your usual Sunday ride pace, this was a very good leg stretcher.

56 miles for me with a moving average of 14.3 mph, regularly cruising along at about 18+mph.

And that's it for 2010. I hope we get a lot more rides in for 2011, starting on Sunday.

GPS here
I'm back too! Thanks, everyone for your company. sorry not to offer the statutory man-shakes to Mark and Mick for New Year etc but I understand that when the pace gets a little hot, one has to branch off :smile:

I suspect my ride will be roughly the same dist. as Clive's for today...about 65 - 70 in English miles? I stopped for double expresso and jackflap (I started eating it from the other end) at the kiosk in Hyde Park - my last for 2010. And then did battle along the Edgware Road :rolleyes:
Shopping...dontcha just love it?!

One of my final thoughts (they were few) in 2010. Do you fancy adjusting your saddle upwards, Clive? Looks like your bike is not reaping the full benefit of your body...but I could be wrong.
I didn't go mad today, but my knee was in fine form and standing on the pedals was pain-free, so 2010 will end on a decent thought for me...so far :whistle: And, Mrs Weather was kind and fair. :smile:
Blimey, 69 miles for me today, wasent expecting that Totally knackered but it was good to ride with you all. Thank you to Mistral for the snack at the start of the ride and to Martin for the tea.

That was my first ride in 3 weeks and last for 2010.

Happy new year to all !
Great to see everyone today. Enjoyable ride out flitting from one side to the other of a very serene Thames. Traffic and road conditions were a little too involving for comfortable conversation a little too often. I twigged Aperitif making a mental note as we passed Holst's place - I'm surprised he didn't mention it, as such things are usually within his orbit. It's a shame I had to turn for home (work) early, especially as I spectacularly failed to make progress due to encountering a huge number of traffic lights and slow traffic. After 45 minutes I was struggling to maintain 8mph average and wasn't confident of my own navigation to abandon the garmin so bailed for a train. It was slow but uneventful until I was savaged by the ticket barrier at Waterloo.

Clive, I'll post a link to Trinity Buoy Wharf and Fat Boy's Diner when I'm at a computer rather than on my phone.
Dave was playing with his new 'phone into the early hours so he forgot his camera :rolleyes:
He didn't leave his appetite at home though!


L to R: Luke / redjedi, Clive / Mista Preston, Mark / Mark Grant, Mick / Mistral. FRONT: Freddie Thumb, Peter Plate, Felix Fork, Sam Sauce, Mr & Mrs Chip and children. Also shown, dodgy green bike with £18.85 price tag resplendent :whistle:


Ben, just to the right of the group was happy to join in for a conversational pace outward bound journey. Always neat, tidy and...hope you got back ok Ben.

It was grey, flat (hey!- this isn't a thread about rider's hair - Ed) and not conducive for photographs, and I realised that a snap of the walton bridge would have been topical, sorry. Teddington was the next stop for the four. Here's a weir-d photograph, from the little footbridge at Teddington.
"Lock on Tommy!".


Luke and I did The Kings Road and Sloane Street, Dave and Clive rolled the Embankment. Then Luke took left, me right, and...once more unto the fray to drink coffee. :smile: Cycling+ buff count = 3.
I would have mentioned Holst's place, Ben - I just didn't planet.


Dog on a bike
Looks like it was a good ride, sorry I missed it but work called.....

Who's out on Sunday then? And does anyone fancy Holland Park, I've never been. Do they allow bikes in etc, is it far enough?
Walk it! Look out for Frederick, lord Leighton's Museum - with opulent decor to match Ian's...;) there's a Japanese garden in Holland Park itself, but the houses are massive. The windows, the scale - it's all just sooooo expensive. :smile: I think Richard Branson lives there, and Simon Cowbell used to..? Ever taken a spin along High St Ken. Martin? 'Decluttered' - no plethora of meaningless street signs etc...


vintage Mercian 2012
there's no cycling in holland park, nice cafe tho

i've passed that cafe by the bridge for years without noticing it :blush:
how many times did we cross the thames today?
apologies to Mistral for the pace but the intention was to put some life back into the legs (there was a warning)
my legs are on fire, tonights planned walk over to lambeth bridge to watch the new year fireworks
have been cancelled
thanks for joining me today
happy new year folks
there's no cycling in holland park, nice cafe tho

i've passed that cafe by the bridge for years without noticing it :blush:
how many times did we cross the thames today?
apologies to Mistral for the pace but the intention was to put some life back into the legs (there was a warning)
my legs are on fire, tonights planned walk over to lambeth bridge to watch the new year fireworks
have been cancelled
thanks for joining me today
happy new year folks

yep, my legs are burning too. Thanks for leading us out today. See you all Sunday
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