So. topcat is a miserable git or he doesn't like me or both! We played the same circuit more or less - I did the Embankment and afterwards toyed with traffic in Wigmore Street en route to Regents Park.
I arrived to the Marble Arch and thought I saw Davywalnuts out for a stroll with some of his mates from the Staines massive...
..but I was wrong. Not enough thigh action going down, and the purple one looked like me anyway.
Easy across the helpful traffic control and into Hyde Park with 'warm' sun peeping milkily through. (It felt colder than yesterday, even in the great metropolis).
'Winter Wonderland' has become and annual event to amuse the masses. Looks nice but knobbles the Bromley lads as they NEED the WCs - which are within the 'Wonderland' and therefore inaccessible to cross-legged desperados!
A variety of drinks - at a variety of prices
This is one of those 'Classic Progression' photo opportunities. From general waste to doggy-doos to mulled Sangria
Zippo - everyone's favourite
lighter circus.
Then I must have trailed Dave's rubber marks down Constitution, The Mall, Whitehall etc...and I came back that way to reflect a little more in Hyde Park. (For 'reflect' read 'Hmmm, can I be bothered to stop, take off my gloves and drink expresso while watching shivering souls hunch past..?' No.)
Hang on a minute though - it's Sunday, I'm at Speakers Corner, where is everyone? I found an answer:
Freedom of speech gets the cold shoulder from Winter Wonderland.
A couple of laps on quiet roads was a way of warming the cockles and muscles. And out, round and into the Wigmore Street traffic to try Regents Park. (I was only being nosy really, seeing how busy the 'shops' were...).
Nothing much happening at Regents Park either. A couple of females still swooning, not yet recovered from seeing Dave ride past earlier...I didn't stop to put them right about things - after all, it is the season to be jolly...

Again twice round and I stopped to give CharlieB a bit of a 'busman's holiday snap.'

The long and the short of it is easily illustrated...
And, to close, I thought I saw Davy again...this time on his bike - but...
...mistaken identity. These zebras were moving gracefully.
ABOUT 78kms+ for the day...didn't seem like it.
Happy Christmas.
Oh - and a PS for Addison Lee, the 'probable Olympic Standard Delivery of People Partner' - or whatever they are. Sort your drivers out! One tried to perform a U-Turn on the Edgware Road without a glance in his wing mirror, and the other decided to do a quick shimmy round the back at The Langham, without looking again! They must have been to their elite
driver's school. Other licensed cab people take
a dimmer view of the firm.