England : London Sunday London ride

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Taking the biscuit
You live n learn.

It was damn good fun and jolly good to see all the peeps!


vintage Mercian 2012
here she is


so how many bags do you need for a sunday ride?

a couple of weeks back Mice couldn't cycle in a straight line now look at her

becs had a plate of ketchup :whistle:


Hello there
past experience has shown that arallsopp is always happy to carry anything you don't have space for...


Cycling Excusiast
So it was worked out yesterday that it has been a whole year or so that I've not been on a Sunday ride; that is very shameful. However Guv' I 'ave me reasons, it's been a hell of a tough year and it's still not really finished and done and dusted but I am edging my way back in.

A thank you for those who've been really supportive with good ears and shoulders throughout a testing year and a half - some fine friends have been made on CC and you know who you are!

So before I get all Oscar worthy with the thank you list lets get back onto the ride report (haven't written one of these for some time so it may be a tad rusty).

Tdr1nka and I had an easy spin into Sloane Square to ease me back into longer rides that weren't commuting style. Seemed to find it ok apart from the initial bit of cycling up a gradual hill - hey I've never liked hills anyway! Cycled through Brixton Prison and nearly had a two cyclist pile up as Tdr1nka was heading left and I happened to be going straight on, expertly deflected in fine fashion by Tdr1nka. So not too many eventful happenings before we passed through Clapham, cycling through some back roads that I'd not been on before and down across the bridge (had a botched repair here as my Bagman holding my saddlebag had lost a part on the way and in typical fashion it was sliding down the side), TopCat1 caught us both at the temporary traffic lights just before the meet point and was shocked to see me and gave me a big hug. We rode into Sloane Square to see Adrian C and Dellzeqq. Met Frank, Becs and SittingDuck for the first time and saw arallsopp and Mista Preston approaching up the road. Continued to try and fix the bag to the bagman as it was sliding again whilst we waited for Mice to return. Mista Preston and I were trying to figure out when I was last on a ride and it was determined that I hadn't seen his new old bike and arallsopp's white bike had been retired from winter duty, apparently, I only like to cycle in the winter... Cheekily, Andy suggested as it was such a rare thing that I was there, I might need to walk home and push the bike back, very slowly. Getting there was enough exictement for one day. TC, myself and Arallsopp looked at Mice's steed laden with several bags worthy of a touring trip just as she got back to join the group.

The peleton mounted their bikes and off we went!!

We cycled along with Brompton cemetery as our destination led by 'our leader' Dellzeqq aka Simon of none yellow jersey. I was chatting to Becs about being a vet and said hi to Adrian who said I'd been absent for a year or more. We got to the cemetery via Tdr1nka's twilight zone old commuter route and stopped oddly at a point in the cemetery. I wasn't near the front so wasn't sure what was going on, was there headscratching and umms and ahhs or was it one of Simon's stop and show moments?

Arallsopp reversed the recumbent back down the route as we were gathered in front of a sea of crosses and obelisks waiting, perhaps for divine intervention. Eventually we were on the move again with cries of 'I thought there would be celebrities' and ridng along about to exit the cemetery when Simon double backs with an exited "ooo" and points out the grave of John Snow (not of Channel 4 news fame). One again Andy reverse walks the recumbent for about the third time backwards to point it in the right direction and we're off and out, not before Mice nearly mows down a ped coming into the cemetery.

We make our way to Holland Park as Dellzeqq pulls out a map a few times to confirm the route, have a brief chat with TC to check he was finally injury free and fully recovered and we head into a park. Here a McPiss stop is essential and oddly the fellas that go decide to do in shifts of two/three at a time and when we think we're ok to move on, another couple have slunk off. After the waterworks are tended to we cycle up the incline avoiding an exciteable little dog running into the path. Down a few more roads we reach Holland Park. We reach a darker section which is more enclosed and I chat with Frank who like me has not fully explored Holland Park. A few locals are stopped to ask where the cafe is and eventually we find it as those of us on '23' wheels dismount and push. Mice sneaks in a few pics from her vantage point on three wheels with the finesse of a rear shot. At last we find the cafe, which is 'a bit more arty' apparently but is not designed for cyclists as we lumber the bikes past a very well kept garden of uniform coloured primulas surrounded by hedges and down a couple of flights of stairs. Tdr1nka points out a pigeon and I suspect he is in fact part pigeon.

Line up for refreshments, peruse the pastries and sausage rolls with Clive as he finally decides not to have any and finally with coffee and a snack I sit down, hat and gloves off and apologise half heartedly to Clive for buying a sausage roll and then sitting next to him when he staved the sausagemeat cravings so bravely...Still every ride I have been on, he's told me he's heading home for a Sunday roast, so in reality, I'm really not that sorry!

Some nice conversations, proper catch ups, stories about kids of varying ages, trouble making/not trouble making and weather predicting cats. I've missed you lot and all the chat - this is it- actual cycle chatting in real life!!

After a nice warm coffee, feeling fully saited the choice is made to head back out as it starts raining again. Frank, SD and Dell lead the way back. First and only casualty of the day is Arallsopp's front tyre which has done the unthinkable or so he thinks as the trusty Marathon Plus has been felled by I quote 'being on the wrong side of town' (Take that 'Teef- what's that you say about South London?). Mice offers a spare inner tube whipped out from one of the many bags and much to Simon's amusement it is indeed Pre-talced!!! Andy couldn't remove the tank like tyre and decided to pump it up and chance it home but not before a comedic high five and 'YEEEHH GIRLFRIEND!!!' from Dell in admiration for the pre-talced inner tube- someone else will have got a picture as I didn't have a camera. Cycled back via Kings Road and it becomes apparent that with the traffic it's quite hard for Mice's Tricycle to filter through as it's wider. TC tells me a funny story about a white van man and we stop and regroup a few times. A bit sodden and wet, we gather back at Sloane Square, here the ride disbands. Mice and TC go and head for some hills. Adrian C and Dellzeqq head off to the badlands of the Sarrf. Becs and Frank ride North and West and the remaining bunch of us head South East so that Mista Preston can get home to make it in time for the Roast Gravy Train.

I bid Tdr1nka, Arallsopp and Mista Preston farewell at Vauxhall and cycled up to Kennington, through Brixton and up the hills back to home - didn't even mind the hill as by that stage was fully warmed up and firing on all cyclinders.

Good ride, thanks all. Ian you missed a wet but good one!

PS sorry to hear re your journey home Becs - glad you're ok and hope the exam went well today!Oh yes and forgot to mention the very helpful elastic band approach from Dave- thanks!


Cycling Excusiast
Thanks Simon-it's always been a Bromley Massive ride though can't take the credit for that...there was no Chelsea blue yesterday...poor Ian!
Thanks Simon-it's always been a Bromley Massive ride though can't take the credit for that...there was no Chelsea blue yesterday...poor Ian!

Well. At least you've been immortalised by appearing as the initiator of perhaps CC's longest thread :smile: and one that remains on page 1 continually. Glad to hear you're back TT and might get to see you in December if i come out clanking on my old childhood mountainbike. I think that will make it 8 months for me since the last Sunday ride. Seems there are so many new faces.....and the old faces are getting older! ;)

Wish i spent more time on CC myself these days, but up in Silicone Valley, we tend to not go anywhere that doesn't have a 'like' button. Picking up my new build on friday :smile: Tiziana gone into temporary retirement until i build her up as my England bike, whilst new addition to the stable in US will be a Bianchi Sempre (Caterina).

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