England : London Sunday London ride

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Blimey 15 !

Great ride, great turn out, great to meet lots of people and great to see the sun out again. Just shy of 40 miles for me today !

17 to be precise.


My Armchair

he wasn't with us

Who's this weirdo?


Silencing his legs regularly
Show was pretty good, though not as good as last year's IMHO. The absence of Shimano & the other Madison brands (Madison have signed up for the new London Cycle Show at ExCel in January) was certainly a factor in that, and Viner weren't there either. But lots of great stuff to look at. Saw Luke & then Rimas on the way in, Rimas and I both tried a few bikes on the test track. Rather liked the Moulton TSR 9 & the Condor Italia. I agree the Pinarellos were rather nice- the KOBH (more comfortable version of the Dogma) would be my pick:


My other faves: Moulton New Series Double Pylon (well, any Moulton really, but this is the top dog!):

Colnago had one of the 59 limited edition C59s on show:


Condor had the new Squadra (full carbon, previous ones like mine were alu/carbon mix):

Cervelo (handled by Madison) weren't there, but dealer SigmaSport had a few, including the first R5Ca (aka 'Project California') frame in the country. They only reckon they'll make 300 of these a year. Weight under 700g for a 54cm frame. And the price...£7,500....!!

And last but not least, no Viners in the hall, but some lucky person had brought their Maxima:
Those De Rosas are made in Manchester United Ian - are you sure?
Stick with Specialized...

@ Stuart. I hope you didn't sit on those nice bikes with E45 all down your thigh :eek: Anyway, I thought the bike show was at ExCel a couple of years ago - it was a terrible coincidence that my trade show was there at the same time :rolleyes:

@Dave. No group photo with rundown on attendees...were you having an off day?(Late nite rum club last night?) :ohmy: (You know I don't come on these rides anymore, but like to keep in touch...)


Silencing his legs regularly
Those De Rosas are made in Manchester United Ian - are you sure?
Stick with Specialized...

@ Stuart. I hope you didn't sit on those nice bikes with E45 all down your thigh :eek: Anyway, I thought the bike show was at ExCel a couple of years ago - it was a terrible coincidence that my trade show was there at the same time :rolleyes:

@Dave. No group photo with rundown on attendees...were you having an off day?(Late nite rum club last night?) :ohmy: (You know I don't come on these rides anymore, but like to keep in touch...)

Nope. The only bike I sat on yesterday was my Squadra. All seems to be well with the thigh at last, 30 miles today with no bother. You might be thinking of the Outdoors Show- which did cover bikes anyway, but now they're adding the bike show as an extra (tickets will cover both plus the boat show).


Silencing his legs regularly

Yup, same show. And it's moving to the NEC next year...!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
What a brilliant day for the Bromley Massive Cycle Chat Sunday Ride. The late summer sun sure brings people out on their bikes.
A record number of peeps for the ride today. 17 Riders. Myself, Andrew, Johnny Jeez, Mista Preston, Karlos The jackal, Zimzum, Delzeqq, Raptochick, Arallsopp, Becs, HaloJ, Sittingduck, Tdr1nka, Redjedi, Mark, Topcat1 & Martin235.

I made my way to the Dripping Tap.
Got there a little early so started doing a few loops to keep the legs turning. On the third loop I returned to find Johnny & Andrew (Fellow Bromley Cyclists Cyclist) waiting at the Tap. A text arrived from Mista Preston saying he is running late. So a few minutes hanging around to chew the fat and to check out Andrew's new Roubaix. Arallsopp soon turned up followed by not so late Mista Preston. So off to the A21 and on to New Cross. Aha. Topcat was spotted in Bromley, the Massive was now 5

Arallsopp and Johnny Jeez

Andrew (These Roubaix' are breeding


We meet Topcat outside Bromley Courts.

A quick sprint down the A21 and we where at the fire station to meet Tdr1nka...eye eye..

Now 6 and on our way to meet the others by the Old Vic in Waterloo. Not helped by a complete arse of a Polish coach diver who thought it was a good idea to push myself and Topcat into the curb, and it was close. Topcat took a chance to have a few words with the driver at the traffic lights. The coach driver from then on stayed behind us and when he did overtake, took a wide line.

At the Old Vic a nice bunch of cyclists waiting for us...

A few minutes chatting, checking for clean drivechains and a few more minutes waiting for Redjedi we where on our way to Regents Park and Swains Lane

Martin (Titch to you and me) contemplates his current hill climbing dream of Swains Lane...

Time for complete arse of a coach driver number 2. He took exception to us using the pedestrian crossing to get to the correct side of the road. "Are you a bunch of children?" and "It's a pedestrian crossing not a bike crossing for idiots". He got very short shrift from me with a few very rude words thrown in for good measure.

Following ZimZum's legendary back routes knowledge of London we were soon heading for Regents Park.
("2nd right people")

Spotted a few joggers on the way.

Delzeqq.. we all here..?

Becs, Mista (Late) Preston, Karlos The Jackal & Redjedi.

Raptochick on an upright.


Sittingduck on his new steed

HaloJ strikes a pose..

A lap of Regent's Park.. and it was to the cafe where there was more then enough space for cyclists and riders.



Here we bumped into complete arse number 3.
A woman in the queue of the cafe who felt aggrieved that there were bloody cyclists in the queue in front of her when she just wanted a coffee..
ho hum. tut tut tut we could hear behind us. I nearly lost it with her as I do seem to have a short temper with these type ofpeople, but the calming words of Topcat bought me back from biting any harder.

Coffee, teas, bacon rolls and cake was had and it was time for the group to split. A few Saarf Londoners had to skiddaddle off quick,
Martin bottled out of Swains Lane so he joined the Saarf London heading crew. Whilst the rest of us headed west to Earls Court and the bike show.

It seems that Central London traffic is now at a standstill seven days a week, rather then just the rush hour.. so plenty of filtering around inconsiderate parkers and winkers was to be had.

It was nice to see plenty of Boris Bikes on the road. And there seemed to be plenty of stands here, there and everywhere in Central London.

Finally arrived at Earls Court. Myself, HaloJ & Karlos (cheers for the ticket) visiting whilst the rest of the group split to where ever.


And just for Delzeqq...

I was a I WANT A PINERELLO MAN.. but De Rosa has stolen my heart.stunningly beautiful bikes imo. The De Rosa chappy on the stand was a very nice fella. Chelsea fan too.

Both Halo & myself had a test ride of the Pinarello with Di2 gearing.. Veeeeery Smooooooth. Veeeeery impressive.

A chap from one of the merchandise stands stopped me to tell me he had seen us earlier today making our way through Camberwell.
Also at the show I bumped into YACF'ers Clarion, Clarion Jnr & Butterfly.

A few hours of bike porn was taking it's toll so decided to tear myself away from the place. It took longer then anticipated as where ever you looked there was even more bike porn. We finally collected our bikes from the excellent tagged secure parking, Haloj heading to North London, myself and Karlos heading for the South Circular, where at Wandsworth I left him to head back to Tooting, whilst I pootled back to Bromley and home.

60 miles for the day in glorious sunshine, Most excellent company and enough bike porn to keep me tossing and turning in bed for a good many nights.
Thanks to everybody for coming. 17 for a Bromley Massive Cycle Chat Ride..brilliant.


Silencing his legs regularly
NEC - in Brum? So that will be different to the ExCel show you mentioned in January...the one where you can get a ticket for whatever floats your boat along with whatever etc...

Yup, the Cycle Show that was at ExCel then moved to Earl's Court as of 2007 is now going to Brum. The London Bike Show is a bolt-on to the Outdoors Show. It's going to be more consumer & selling oriented than the Cycle Show is, apparently. I'm not sure about making the trip up to Brum, particularly as I imagine many brands will do one show or the other.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
sorry, slight delay on the footage front.

had an off on the loud bike yesterday and spent a bunch of time in A & E getting stitches and stuff. Wont be able to take a good look at the vids till later on this week.

Will try to make a start tonight.
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