SPLIT FROM Incident & Outcome

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Leg End Member
Gotcha, right. the loose end is the motivation, I'd usually go for incompetence over corruption but there are too many elements to your experience, especially the veiled threats.
I'm not a driver, but if you are stopped & asked to prove that you are the legal owner & you don't have the documentation asked for, do you, as a driver not get a set period of time in which to produce/present them to a police station. And isn't this request given in written form. An Acting Inspector would later confirm that this was never issued on the night & Three years, to the day, on which he said it was never issued, he himself, found it at the station.

The officer who took me home, was the responder to the 999 call. His claim of having issued a producer to the driver, whilst seeing to me. Female officer in unmarked car on the opposite side of the road dealing with the driver. Both of us tested, I passed & he'd failed. In the LBS when the call was made to me giving the first details of the driver & the fact that he'd been allowed on his way. Despite failing the test. Address checked when I got home, street didn't exist.
Car as said spotted & checked for any damage. Details given to the DVLA as at that point due to no insurance & the false details supplied by the driver, both the Untraceable Driver & Uninsured Driver forms would require completing. MIB request that both be filled. They'd decide which to use.
Driver located through my own means, much to the displeasure of the police.
Hoax & malicous calls made by serving officers. Officers who didn't exist making calls with regards a letter handed into the police station. Reading from those letters, so it couldn't have been anyone without proper access to such material. Unless I was now the standing joke in the station.

Two Chief Constables during this time, one died & his replacement has only recently been made stand down over his conduct elsewhere.

Complaints proceedure was followed, both the IPCC & West Yorkshire Police proceedures.

Hip Priest

It sounds like the sort of thing you read about in David Peace or Irvine Welsh novels.

Perhaps the car's owner was a popular face down the lodge.


Leg End Member
5th October 2008

My Ref:1626/25/03/2005
Your Ref: PRK/DS/M1/00116/06
Your Ref: MI/00116/06
Your Ref: 11153 WA/F/10/1 CW
Your Ref: FOI-20089/23542
Your Ref: DP/07/2687
Your Ref: CO/00219/08

To whom it may concern
Having received your letter dated October 2008. I’ll start by answering your last point first. Given that West Yorkshire Police are only willing to “apologise” for what they have or haven’t done, not take any action. Where would be the point in appealing, it would only lead to further apologies being made. Not action taken over what has happened.

Given that this stemmed from the simple request for the details of the driver of the motor vehicle involved, and the point blank refusal of West Yorkshire Police to supply those details. Leaving it to myself to locate the driver, the vehicle & its owner. When found by me, this information was forwarded onto yourselves. I got “told off” for supplying this information. Also for obtaining it in the first place and that what I was “doing was wrong & should be left to the Police, as that’s their job not mine”.

I have been the victim of hoax calls perpetrated by West Yorkshire Police force members on more than one occasion. On this there have been clear cases of officers passing themselves of as another officer. Lied to & generally given the runaround by yourselves. Including one passing himself of as a non-existent officer.

I know of one false report submitted concerning this matter, made by an officer of the rank of Inspector or above. But not who that person was. Paperwork that one officer said wasn’t issued, was found three years to the day, almost to the hour after it was never issued. Nine months after the same officer had said it was never issued. It’s fair to say that if it was never issued, it couldn’t exist. No local station had any record of it being acted upon in the months following the incident. They were checked by myself.

On the night of the incident, I’m put on hold when reporting the incident. Led to me making a 999 call. No record of either call held by yourselves. No accident report filed. False details given by the driver to yourselves. “So what” was the attitude displayed on this matter by West Yorkshire Police. He’s given an address at least. One officer later claimed he wasn’t present at the scene on the night. Nowt wrong with that.

I could let my standards sink as low as those of West Yorkshire Police, but that would only make me as bad as you. Question that can be asked at this point is would you have let me do what you have done to me & expect an apology from me to suffice. To that question I think the safe answer is no.

Bear in mind it’s a force whose members have shown that they are willing to lie, attempt to intimidate & not willing to be held responsible for the actions of those who work within it. Nor do they appear to expect those who work within it to be held accountable, in any way, shape or form. You fall short of your own published standards & it’s acceptable! You simply apologise.
Respect & trust are two things that are earned, never just given to any one person or organisation. Because of what was allowed to happen & what happened, West Yorkshire Police have a long way to go before they can even begin to earn either from myself. Because of the actions of a few, the whole of the force have been tarred with the same brush.

I was asked once, was I after revenge or justice? Revenge would have been too easy, justice would have been got if the verdict was in my favour. What was wanted was simply that those concerned be held accountable for their actions. Just as you lay claim to. Nowt more than that. Revenge of sorts could easily have been obtained at any stage by simply placing the whole thing in the public domain. Let others comment on what has been allowed to happen. There is still that opportunity.

I placed too much trust in yourselves to “police” the matter. Trust which has been shown by yourselves to be mis-guided. Maybe now would be a good time to take a look at the standards you claim to follow & see the shortcomings. I was blamed in June 2006 for what I was doing I now blame you for what you did to me since the incident. Apology not acceptable.

One final point, where did the second sheet enclosed with your letter come from. It lacks names, dates & signitures.

Yours Sincerely,

The above, my response to the best West Yorkshire Police were willing to offer.
I'm very sorry Classic33... I do not know how to put this...

You are beginning to sound slightly troubled in the Marbles-Loss Department. There is an excellent Damon Runyon quote which goes something like this: "If that is not a daffy guy, then he will make a very good pinch hitter until a daffy guy comes along". It comes to mind when I read this thread.

I realise that that's a pretty rich comment coming from me, but I feel it is merited. It may take one to recognise one.

What colour is the pepper pot that talks to you when you're trying to sleep? If it's blue, you may have a problem.

(As an aside, reading your letter in a comedy Clint Eastwood drawl or full-on terminator Austrian English adds to the humour. It almost reaches Steward Lee stand-up levels.)

I hope I have helped but fear it may be altogether too late. :crazy:
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Leg End Member
If you're talking to pepperpots, whilst trying to get to sleep, then I'd say your the one with the problem.
You're welcome to read the letter in whatever manner you see fit. What you cannot do is change the facts of what happenned. Which the police admitted to, and those concerned were giving a "serious talking to". The same sort of response when you complain to any organisation about its members. You're no different.


Leg End Member
Is that a wind up letter? :wacko:
No, that was a written response to the outcome of the Police investigation on themselves. Carried out by one of the officers named in the complaint.
Slightly annoyed at the fact that an officer named in the complaint, investigated the complaint & found that no-one, on the police side, had done anything wrong.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
No, that was a written response to the outcome of the Police investigation on themselves. Carried out by one of the officers named in the complaint.
Slightly annoyed at the fact that an officer named in the complaint, investigated the complaint & found that no-one, on the police side, had done anything wrong.
Whoa! That's not right! No one should be allowed anywhere near an investigating regarding them let alone lead it.
I've not read all of this as its a lot but has you tried the IPCC unless already tried( As said I have not read it all, first and last page).
This is a shocking experience you have been having. It makes my angry just reading it.
Its along time ago well before the camera revolution but this is a good example of where to have one.
From the reads of it all officers in that complaint should be chucked out the front door onto the kerb along with gross misconduct charges at the very least.
I am still taken aback from what I have just read.
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Leg End Member
Right or not, thats what happenned. And then people wonder why we as cyclists are treated as second class when on the roads. That was from when the IPCC had passed it back to the police to investigate.
I was the only one held to blame for doing anything wrong. That being the three formal requests, ignored, for the drivers information. Purely & simply as put by a DCI(investigating officer), that I'm only a cyclist.

Its a bit harder put up the letters that were sent by the police. Type it word for word & I'm bound to have someone say I'm making parts up.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Let me get this straight, im new to the thread.
You were hit by a drunk driver who has nothing legitimate about the car.
Police deny everything that took place
You got the drivers info independently and the force had a bitch fit about it.
IPCC sent the complaint to the station to be investigated by the very person/persons the complaint is about.
Da fark has happened here. This is seriously wrong.
An example of why its bad to have the IPCC full of police. Just like the PRA which is full of the ceo's and fixers of the banks it regulates.
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Leg End Member
Let me get this straight, im new to the thread.
You were hit by a drunk driver who has nothing legitimate about the car.
Police deny everything that took place
You got the drivers info independently and the force had a bitch fit about it.
IPCC sent the complaint to the station to be investigated by the very person/persons the complaint is about.
Da f*** has happened here. This is seriously wrong.
An example of why its bad to have the IPCC full of police. Just like the PRA which is full of the ceo's and fixers of the banks it regulates.
That sums it up in fewer words than I used. But you're right.
Referred back to the police force by the IPCC. who then referred it back to the relevant station to investigate.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Did you get the bike and yourself sorted out? Is it just a case of the polices gross misconduct now?
Is this something your MP is interested? A MP with a pro cyclist agenda or at least not anti would be good.
I really wish you had it on cctv or something. Bitch slap them across their faces and publicly publish it across media outlets as a station of corruption, Im sure its something the media would dig. Trial by media does have its uses.
Ah, I can only imagine your frustration and its probably not even half as close.


Leg End Member
Got myself & the bike sorted out. To me it became a clear case of what the police feel about cyclists. Second class.
My MP would have cyclists off the road tomorrow if she could. Until the next election.
I never went to the press, because I placed too much trust in the police to do their job. They did a grand job there.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Well I'm glad you and the bike were sorted out. I guess you know for next time and can take the step to shove it back in their faces if it happens again.
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