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Vice Admiral
Even in summer Rocky has frozen assets.

He also has a hedge fund, because he does not like the Leylandii at the end of his garden.


Legendary Member
Speicher wrote a script for a children's show based entirely on her own life, but both Ant and Dec refused to appear in Speicher Grove.


Legendary Member
Rocky once started a car valeting business called The Happy Finish but was asked to polish and wax quite the wrong kind of bodywork.


Hello decadence
Drago as we all know is Scottish and has a broad Scottish accent. When in Canada last summer he walked into a bar.

He noticed there was an animal's head hanging on the wall and asked the bartender what it was.

"A moose" replied the bartender

"Jesus christ! If that's a moose, how big are the cats here?" Said Drago.
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