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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
26 has just baked a cake.....but shockingly he's put it straight in the freezer. Someone told him it's the best way to ice it. He then took it to the dentist to get its filling.

Rocky is going to take it to Angelica next


Legendary Member
Mad Doug used to be Hugh Hefner's favourite Playboy bunny.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
It's supposed to be a lie, Rocky;-)

I posted that, not Rocky, although I do enjoy playing about with all of the acronyms (Oooh err!), so you are currently 'rxy'*, i.e. 'Roxy', but that is only due to the 'X' in your name and the 'X' is silent too, so, hello 'ray'... 😆

* - You sound like an Airport/Railway Station/Port code (although, that would be in capitals, to be fair).
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Legendary Member
Rocky buys hundreds of boxes of Hallowe'en Jaffa cakes every October because he doesn't like the normal ones. Same with Cadbury's Screme Eggs.
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