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Hello decadence
Doug once made a canoe out of ice. It was so cold (even for a seasoned curler) that he lit a fire to warm himself up. Unfortunately the canoe melted and sank.

It just goes to show you can't have your kayak and heat it.

(Stolen from Frank Muir c 1963)

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
All uphill plans to take out as much credit as he can, spend it on hookers and blow, then vanish like that canoe bloke did.

Rog hopes to vanish too - He's bought a Submarine ticket to the Titanic.
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Hello decadence
Doug wrote his memoirs and then unfortunately spilt superglue on them and got glued to the book.

Well that's his story and he's sticking to it.

All uphill

Still rolling along
In his autobiography Doug tells us all about being the Marlboro man in the 1980s.

He says he loved the cowboy gear - ten gallon hat, check shirt, jeans and leather chaps.

In reality he was wearing school uniform back then.


Hello decadence
Uppers' great great grandfather was a cowboy and used to hang lanterns from his saddle at night to help him find the way.

It's the first documented example of Saddle Light Navigation...
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