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Hello decadence
Apparently Wol is stuck on Rick Astley's roof - she was helping him repair some broken tiles when he took away the ladder and started singing 'never gonna to let you down'.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Rocky had a phone call saying something about his band at Glastonbury in 2024.

He's started practicing his licks on the ukulele.

Shame the organiser was saying he's banned at Glastonbury in 2024.


Hello decadence
Nellie is applying for a fellowship at All Souls College Oxford and he's just posted the question for the first exam paper. In his next post he'll let us have his answer which is based on the pragmatist philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and the moral subjectivism of Derek Parfit.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Uppers idea of happiness is whispering sweet nothings into @Mad Doug Biker 's ear.

Why he's got Doug ear in Somerset while Doug is still in Glasgow is a bit puzzling.

I have been wondering why I've been deafer than usual 🤔😆

All uphill

Still rolling along
Steph doesn't believe in having debts. He saves up for the things he wants.

Having finally saved enough for the new car he has wanted for years he's shocked to find they no longer make Morris Minors.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Apparently Wol is stuck on Rick Astley's roof - she was helping him repair some broken tiles when he took away the ladder and started singing 'never gonna to let you down'.

A few months ago, Rockay joined the Chinese Military and proposed flying spy balloons.

He told Beijing that 'he'd never let them down'
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