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All uphill

Still rolling along
Rog rides a bicycle with a sticker that says " My other bicycle is a tricycle".


Hello decadence
Uppers was out on his bike today in the country. He saw a bunch of rabbits side-by-side walking backwards. He thinks he saw a receding hare line.

All uphill

Still rolling along
ExBrit often lays on the floor at work. He recently got sacked for doing this.

He explained to friends that prostrate problems are common in men of his age.


AU thought his prostate examination was going well right up until the moment when he felt both of the doctors hands on his shoulders.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Mad Doug is a ghost. He died in a bizarre autoerotic accident many years ago and now posts from the afterlife.
I remember hearing a story of a guy who died of a heart attack after masturbating 62 times one Valentines day.

Quite frankly, I am

A. Not sure if I should be impressed or horrified.


B. Is that even physically possible anyway?


... Oh yeah and

C. No, I am not even going to attempt finding out... And that's not a lie... So shut up! 😆

Rog pronounces Peugeot as Pew-jot

Ha ha, nice joke, I mean, we all know it's pronounced


... Don't we? :scratch:

Uppers once took his Chevvie to the levy. But the levy was dry. Mad Doug was drinking whisky and rye saying this’ll be the day that I eat pies.

... Finally find out what the heck a Levy actually is!

All uphill has a tattoo of a butt on his butt, and the tattoo butt has a butt-shaped tattoo on it.

(stolen from Beavis and Butt-Head)


Rog was often told to cheer up, so he shaved his head and had a smiling face tattooed on the back of his skull, put his clothes on backwards and walked around in reverse.

Everyone couldn't help but comment on how young and good looking he was and ask him what his secret was!

AU thought his prostate examination was going well right up until the moment when he felt both of the doctors hands on his shoulders.

And then he really knew his day was ALL RIGHT!!

ExBrit has hairy teeth

... Umm... He was involved in a bizzarre Autoerotic accident? 😆
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