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Legendary Member
Fritz suggested to Nabisco that they do a German line of their famous crackers and name it after him. They said it was the würst idea they'd heard in ages and left him one sauerkraut.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Doug's favourite winter joke goes like this......

Why was the snowman rummaging through the bag of carrots?

He was picking his nose.

Very funny Doug :laugh:

Rockaay, the Michael Jackson of Middlesborough.

His son, Gravel, is said to have his father's nose... Aye, in plastic form, which he wears for special occasions


Hello decadence
Wol's washing machine has been ripping her clothes to shreds just of late. I think she's got it programmed on a vicious cycle.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
"How much is this goth cucumber, shopkeep? " enquired Rogerzilla in a greengrocers' shop.
"That sir, is a cactus of the Mamillaria genus." replied the shop assistant.


Hello decadence
Doug has just cross bred a cactus and a Venus fly trap. He tells me that its bark is definitely worse than its bite.


Hello decadence
Doug is really upset. He bought a Venus fly trap because the information on the pot said 'eats bugs and flies'.......bloody thing hasn't even left the pot yet, let alone take off.
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