Mundane News

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Wondering what time we should go to ours neighbours 80th birthday party. She having an open house food and drinks in the garden sort of thing. It’s only just started and people have arrived bang on the start time. Just think it’s a bit like the dash for the food at a wedding to arrive too early.
She one of the few left in the street from my childhood. We had same great times at birthdays and Christmas. She and her husband kept an eye on us when my mum died. Having promised her they would. Be a chance to catch up with her kids who have grown up with.

People do seem to take advantage if there's free food & drink to be had.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Half of my tea was plucked straight from the garden today: sugar snap peas, radishes & rhubarb.
I've stewed the rhubarb with a bit more water than is ideal as I like straining it off, chilling it down & drinking it 😎


Itching to get back on my bike's
Would that be the Riverdance she'll be doing?

No they are doing Happy ever after


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Thought it a good idea to print the latest ferry timetables for use in the car. Would not print as the black ink cartridge was empty. Fortunately I had a spare in stock but it was so long since I last changed one in this printer it took me ages to work out how to do it.
The Royal Infirmary in Glasgow is driving me up the wall. They give me an appointment then a few days later cancel it. Meantime I have fought Calmac for bookings and bought tickets.
Repeat this three times then after the latest cancellation send a new appointment two days later.
Do I get another ferry booking which costs me £25 or wait for the next probable cancellation?
If I wait too long I will not be able to get a booking as it is a Scottish bank holiday weekend.
To add complication I can only go when my son who works overseas is at home. My own car does not comply with the clean air zone even if I felt able to drive through central Glasgow, which I most certainly do not.


Legendary Member
Light rain showers with a bitterly cold wind. Been for a walk and like Mo the temp is 13C so nearly winter outfit on.
Down to the chemist for meds and signed a petition asking for government financial assistance for small pharmacies who are struggling and many closing down. When we had no chemist the GP did dispensing as well but was glad to be rid of this imposition.
Back with a mug of marmite to warm up a bit.

Our village chemist is struggling to complete filling prescriptions There is one qualified pharmacist and two assistants

It is a very small shop and are hard pressed to accommodate three people behind the counter.A friend of Mrs p works as an assistant and she is seriously considering leaving
While the estates have increased the pharmacy hasn’t and is not able to as there are no shops vacant

Planing of new estates does not include looking at the pressures being placed on the surgery .The school One developer who was turned down offered to build a recreation ground his proposed development is opposite the current recreation ground and football field A library.Yep we’ve already have one.
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