Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I am surrounded by them, even at this very minute. They may shut down my computer at any minu--
T'were nice knowing you...


Wondering what time we should go to ours neighbours 80th birthday party. She having an open house food and drinks in the garden sort of thing. It’s only just started and people have arrived bang on the start time. Just think it’s a bit like the dash for the food at a wedding to arrive too early.
She one of the few left in the street from my childhood. We had same great times at birthdays and Christmas. She and her husband kept an eye on us when my mum died. Having promised her they would. Be a chance to catch up with her kids who have grown up with.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light rain showers with a bitterly cold wind. Been for a walk and like Mo the temp is 13C so nearly winter outfit on.
Down to the chemist for meds and signed a petition asking for government financial assistance for small pharmacies who are struggling and many closing down. When we had no chemist the GP did dispensing as well but was glad to be rid of this imposition.
Back with a mug of marmite to warm up a bit.
Already burning a hole in it?

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Leg End Member
the wind was so strong one day, while flying kite-cam, the wind took the kite so rapidly I had to press the spinning reel against my chest. something I've done before but with thicker clothing. I smelled rubber burning. it was me!
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even got 2 lines burned into my chest requiring first aid cream for a cpl days. then that big storm rolled thru & we lost power for a cpl hrs, but only because an osprey nest on an electrical pole, caused a fault
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no one there on the stormy day
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having a grand time & biking on Martha's Vineyard & today is our last full day. always fun to see ppl jumping off the "Jaws Bridge"
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Great Rock Bite overlook. it's a nice beach but the storm brought in a lot of seaweed so we moved to another spot
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look at the size of this whale vertebra!
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how about waking up to this view every morning?
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gonna have to move their helipad, I think
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