Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
WooHoooo.. No alarm at 02:50 tomorrow 😅


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's both Bed Stripping Day and Bonnie's Ear Cleaning Day today. She doesn't know that yet. 🐶


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey start to the day which is not necessarily a bad thing as the sun is breaking through now.
Looks like I might get a trike run before the next batch of heavy rain which is forecast for tomorrow.

Talking of cats. A neighbour has a long hair cat which wanders a bit and has to be watched as it has a tendency to jump into my car if it is open. Yesterday I chased it off so it went and sat in the middle of the road. Considering the speed of passing traffic not a good idea so I chased it off and it walked down the road and saw a terrier on a lead so headed for that. Owner of the dog was very concerned and pulled it back but the cat was determined to investigate this thing. Terrier had to be restrained but the cat just looked puzzled at this strange behaviour.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Our village chemist is struggling to complete filling prescriptions There is one qualified pharmacist and two assistants

It is a very small shop and are hard pressed to accommodate three people behind the counter.A friend of Mrs p works as an assistant and she is seriously considering leaving
While the estates have increased the pharmacy hasn’t and is not able to as there are no shops vacant

Planing of new estates does not include looking at the pressures being placed on the surgery .The school One developer who was turned down offered to build a recreation ground his proposed development is opposite the current recreation ground and football field A library.Yep we’ve already have one.

sounds like my area as we are a "cheap" area being an ex mining town but no new infrastructure.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dull & overcast Suffolk. There's a little bit of fine drizzle in the air, but not what would be called proper rain.
The first coffee of the day has been had, but the breakfast decision is yet to be made - porridge, Weetabix, malted wheaties or just a slice of toast & butter. No plans for the day, but I may go out for a walk later and listen to the F1 on the radio.
One of my neighbours a little further round the close is moving next week and has posted a note requesting that parking space be left outside his house for the removal men - mine was addressed to "The bicycle man"!
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