Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I haven't come across that here, but it was made clear that the teachers would check coursework against Wikipedia pages. Our lads got around that by going onto the English Wikipedia and translating it into German. I had no objection as it helped improve their English and by translating they retained more information anyway.

I've got access to a lot more than that; software to evaluate their writing style, software which checks against a whole range of other sources including student work at other universities/colleges plus some other pieces that evaluate the submitted piece itself. We can also check whether it's been written by Artificial Intelligence and also whether it's been translated to English from another language.

The annoying bit is that doing all the checking takes additional time, which we don't get, and when someone's doing this it takes a lot of time to check.


Leg End Member
No, but they were setting theirs off, and seemed like more of a muchness. Not like we have fireworks around here, except on the 4th of July. If i see fireworks going off around here on New Years, I figure it is a British expat.
Could be French!
I think the idea of setting them off for the New Year is an import to this island.
Fireworks were available only, to the general public, in the weeks leading up to Bonfire Night/5th November.


Leg End Member
Hang on a minute here! That's mundane. I have a chainsaw AND and axe... :biggrin:
How's your chainsaw juggling and yer axe throwing though?
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