Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Morning all
Back to work today for me and probably a lot of others as well.
First cuppa is brewing.
Looks dark outside but not raining
Good morning. On my way to Freiburg.



Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
It doesn't feel like a proper day today, more like it's like a placeholder for a day. So I went for a walk in the rain and there were very few people out and about. A surprisingly large proportion were walking their dogs. On a proper day they would be doing this before 8am.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very dark and overcast Suffolk where it's just started raining to add to the lovely start to the first working week of 2024. Just finished the first cuppa of the day and I'm hoping that work picks up soon as the only thing I've had to do so far is to redirect half a dozen emails sent to the wrong team.


All at sea⛵
We have an etiquette dilemma.
Friends from way back, arrived from Germany to spend New Year with us.
That was 30th December. Neither of us clarified their onward travel plans.
Now we are beginning to wonder, but cannot really ask. There has been talk of "open ferry ticket" but some vagueness about when they return to work.
To be continued........
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