Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A day of sunshine and heavy showers and never got outside even to the bin.
Nothing much done but lazed about as I did not sleep too well last night.

Must be the influence of the recent constipation postings.
Made an All Bran and fruit loaf.
Cooked this in the Remoska which worked out ok apart from the top being a bit black due to having used slightly too much of the ingredients and so it was slightly too high in the pan.
Made a couple of variations to the recipe which is often my downfall but some salt and a touch of ginger worked ok.
Very confused this week as I keep thinking this is Sunday. :blush:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Up early-ish for a 5-mile Time Trial; having decided to do less racing in 2024 this didn't match my intention. Tailwind out downhill, headwind back uphill and came 4th out of 11 on road bikes despite limited mileage recently due to family reasons.

Then we went off to Nostell Priory near Wakefield. Despite having lived in the area for 25+ years we've never been so went to the Christmas display in the house, a quick look at the garden and lunch in the café.
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Legendary Member
I enjoyed my walk today. I think it is the first time I done this walk since before breaking my ankle. More people around than I expected for the time of year.









Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Is it wrong of me to sit smug in my perfectly parked little Toyota and laugh at the antics of the trendy people in their enormous SUVs which they seem incapable of manoeuvring into a parking spot?
I was struck when I saw the difference in car size when I parked next to an old Austin. The Jazz is pretty much the same size as a new Yaris. SUVs (also known as UBV - Unnecessarily Bloated Conveyance) are another step up.

It's been a dryish, mildish and light breezyish kind of day here chez Casa Reynard, with a little sun early doors, but grey later.

Slept really well - and slept in. Woke up well gone midday, and I've largely had a gentle day. Had a lovely luncheon of wholemeal toast, the last of the posh Italian ham, brie, cranberry sauce, a selection of fruit and two :cuppa:

Took advantage of the fact that it was dry, and sawed up some firewood this afternoon. I managed to do around half a trailer load before the light faded. I do not need to cook tonight - we are having a raid-the-fridge supper while watching the final of World's Strongest Man. That's a kind of little tradition here for New Year's Day.

Just had a nice :cuppa: and some boter galetten. :hungry: It's our tradition in Belgium to have waffles or galettes / lukken on New Year's Day. We've still got a lot of festive food to chomp through, so I'd much rather make waffles when we can enjoy them without having to worry about fridge contents, but I bought some lukken in Lidl just before the hols (their own brand version of the Jules Destrooper ones), and very nice they are too. Highly recommended.

So a nice quiet evening is planned. I may tackle those last 50 drawings relevant to my research in the IMechE archive.
I was struck when I saw the difference in car size when I parked next to an old Austin. The Jazz is pretty much the same size as a new Yaris. SUVs (also known as UBV - Unnecessarily Bloated Conveyance) are another step up.

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Much like my Morris Mini when compared to modern cars. It was already noticeable when I bought it back when I was an undergrad student, but compared to my Skoda Rapid, which is compact (but not small) by current standards, it's bloody tiddly!
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