Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Fine by me.

I liked your previous post for the photograph of the station. Very :sad: that you have to go to your apartment.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The new calendar I put up above my desk has just fallen down again:cursing:

Obviously the piece of Blu-Tac that had held last year's calendar has lost its stickiness and needs kneaded and left on a radiator for a while.

I have quite a bit of BluTac (though a lot of it is actually white!) I'll set the trebuchet up and launch some across the Irish Sea later.. 👍


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain, rain and more rain.
I need to get outside rather than confined to the house.
Cannot go and first foot my wildlife pal as he has his annual clay pigeon shot today and since I do not shoot I would be just in the way and probably no car parking space either.
Strange dreams last night [and indeed most nights] but the problem is I cannot remember them now in much detail.
I do remember my right knee getting painful in bed but this clears up when I get up. That knee has given me trouble for years but this is a new manifestation.
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