Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny day but cold. A complete contrast to yesterday.
Still lots of ice around at midday but on the trike that is not generally too much of a problem. I would not have gone out on the route I did on two wheels.
Up the Moss Road to Benderloch and strangely no vehicles passed me on the main A828 bit to the turn off for the cyclepath. There must be long delays at the Connel bridge traffic lights.
Back through the camp site where my hands were beginning to suffer from the cold but not too bad. At North Connel over the main road to Bonawe Road which was a hazard with fast traffic and low sun in driver’s faces.
Photo shows Lismore on the right with a small white spec which is the lighthouse. The rest of the land is Isle of Mull south end.



i wish i could bottle the feeling i have right now,i would give it away free to anyone who needed it.i am so happy i feel so good.Yet tomorrow i might get THE result of my PET scan of last week.Telling of how the treatment is doing against this cancer.Whatever the result i won't get knocked down.i will stand toe to toe till the last.


At church last night i gave a little three min testimony on the theme,Love,Hope,Peace,Joy.110 people which included the Lady Mayoress of Leeds.It was about my cancer journey and how my faith is carrying me along.
Half the festive wrapping and parcelling done after a bit of a palaver over thinking that I'd run out of brown paper. Spent about half an hour furkling in the utility room and came up with an alternative, only to unearth the *£%@!*$& spare roll of brown paper when I went back to retrieve a box of gift tags. Doh!

Now sat down with a well-earned :cuppa:

I shall go out shortly to drop off the parental's prescription and post my Xmas cards.
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