Mundane News

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Leg End Member
First cuppa went down well ages ago
About to make my second cuppa
All of today's plans have gone for a Burton
Richard or Beryl?


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Another phone call from mum to check how I was this afternoon - I'd take her more seriously if she'd stop bursting into laughter every time I tried to reply due to the state of (or lack of) my voice at the moment. We did wonder if what started as a heavy cold has become a chest infection and that would fit with the 'liquid' cough and tiredness.

It's the way the wife says "What?" just after I've struggled to say something.
Mild and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well thanks to earache. Sinus on the right side of my face isn't draining properly (I've got some kind of sniffles) and when things get backed up, it bloody hurts. It is now draining of a sort, so the pain is going away. I feel really meh though. Have had a quiet morning sorting out some Christmas gifts that I shall wrap up this afternoon. I will also have to pop out to drop off mum's prescription at the quack, and I'll post my cards at the same time - saves me an extra trip.

I've made a breakthrough on sorting out all these engine parts drawings insomuch that I've now managed to pin down one order / batch number to a particular customer. Having said that, this person is probably not the original owner anyway, but it's at least something. I also know that this person owned two engines whose serial numbers are sequential, so whether that tallies with this particular order number, I need to go and find out.

Another couple of evenings should see me finish the initial cataloguing. Then I need to go back through everything to make sure there's nothing important that I've missed, and create a database of drawings wrt their photo number and project. And then I need to write a (brief) report and collate a list of references.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Vice Admiral
Slurp! enjoying a McDonalds choccy shake and thinking is it as good as a Wimpey banana shake in the 70's?

It's no good asking me! The only time I have been in a McDonalds in this country, they were, unbeliveably out of stock of coffee, and doughnuts.

I have been in two other McDs. One is Dusseldorf, as it was the only venue that was not jam packed at lunchtime, and I had limited time before catching a coach take me to Harz Mountains.

The other one was in Basel. It was the only venue open early evening after a long day travelling by train. I now know that there are oodles of places selling food in the station. Just remember to take your passport as that station lies across the border of Germany and Switzerland.
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