Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Absolutely torrential rain ☔ So much for my day off!

I ventured to the cafe under cover of an umbrella for a nice breakfast, now consumed and very yasty.

What I've found is that there are two grumpy, middle-aged men who are sitting and ranting loudly about the new traffic lights, and why they bothered to widen the road to put in pavements and a cycle path as they should have put in extra lanes for cars and the fact that the speed limit has been dropped from 100km/hr to 60.

I'm tempted to ask why are they in such a rush to sit in a queue of cars in town while I walk past them.:laugh:


Legendary Member
Good morning from a very soggy Suffolk where it looks like it's going to get even squelchier for some time.

I have had a phone call from my mum that I've been dreading for some time - yesterday her and my stepfather went out and purchased a new TV and could I help set it up for them! They are a couple of 80 something techno-numpties (no internet, basic mobiles for emergencies only, etc) and anything with more than an on/off button and the channel number buttons on the remote will be a challenge. At least with no internet they can't accidentally subscribe to Netflix, Prime Video or any of the other services that some remotes have as dedicated buttons.

This calls for a second (and very strong) cuppa before I go round to sort this out.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Good morning from a very soggy Suffolk where it looks like it's going to get even squelchier for some time.

I have had a phone call from my mum that I've been dreading for some time - yesterday her and my stepfather went out and purchased a new TV and could I help set it up for them! They are a couple of 80 something techno-numpties (no internet, basic mobiles for emergencies only, etc) and anything with more than an on/off button and the channel number buttons on the remote will be a challenge. At least with no internet they can't accidentally subscribe to Netflix, Prime Video or any of the other services that some remotes have as dedicated buttons.

This calls for a second (and very strong) cuppa before I go round to sort this out.

I had children for this specific reason 😂

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Button cell battery on PC had died about a week ago. Thus PC wouldn’t boot (without me going into settings to correct them) as bios can’t remember settings without the battery. Finally got round to replacing battery (it’s CR2032). Of course it’s located on motherboard (circled in red) below disc drives and had to disconnect and move those out of way first. Never as simple as it should be!



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Dog got a later walk than usual. The rain had eased by 10:00, so we went out. I'd also been down the garden, got the submersible pump out, found the sump I'd created & started pumping out the flooded garden, so my boots were already rather wet.

SP Energy have blocked the pavement on the main road but made no provision for pedestrians! That it is a busy road & has schoolchildren walking it twice a day makes it worse.

Turned the pump off when I got home, but it probably needs to be switched back on again now. Next door has a paved area, which is under water & the sheep field at the back has a lake,


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Since yesterday I've had no broadband as the fibre optic was cut off due to a new supplier. This morning they installed the new equipment and I'm back online.

However, the new router only has one output socket meaning we can have an Internet output OR a phone line working at one time. That takes me back to dial-up in 1996 :blink: and I thought things were supposed to be 'progressing'. Ah well, new automatic network splitter ordered and it should be here shortly.

A cheap network switch would solve that for you.
Good morning from a very soggy Suffolk where it looks like it's going to get even squelchier for some time.

I have had a phone call from my mum that I've been dreading for some time - yesterday her and my stepfather went out and purchased a new TV and could I help set it up for them! They are a couple of 80 something techno-numpties (no internet, basic mobiles for emergencies only, etc) and anything with more than an on/off button and the channel number buttons on the remote will be a challenge. At least with no internet they can't accidentally subscribe to Netflix, Prime Video or any of the other services that some remotes have as dedicated buttons.

This calls for a second (and very strong) cuppa before I go round to sort this out.

I have every sympathy for your mother, my solution to the increasingly complicated techno world is to get a younger model partner. I'm on my third ! Of course this line of action doesn't come cheap but hey we only live once (l hope) :whistle:
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