Mundane News

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And be wary of any golden showers as well. ^_^

Eeeeeeeuuuuwwwwww! :ohmy:
Made a batch of crema di fagioli al rosmarino.

Should have used cannellini beans for that authentic Italian touch, but I'd picked up a dented can of haricot beans on YS previous week for 23p, and used that instead, along with fresh rosemary from the garden. Eeee, it's SO good.

Will take some of it for our picnic on Saturday to go with celery sticks, cherry tomatoes and carrot batons. As a steward, I get what's described as a "grab bag lunch" which could, quite frankly be anything. Most likely sandwich, crisps, fruit & drink. But I've agreed to feed the friend I'm cadging a lift to the show from, as she doesn't want petrol money.


Kettle has boiled
Tea is brewing
I don't think it is currently raining although it did during the night

Can send some we've plenty going spare here at the moment.
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