Mundane News

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Legendary Member
The rain has finally reduced to just heavy drizzle and, if the rain radar is to be believed, should stop very soon.

Old people sorted very easily as all that was needed was to plug the TV in, connect the DVD player with an HDMI cable and start the auto set-up function. For which I got paid in beer so it's not all bad


Wonders if the Freeview signal coding has changed. My 13 year old Freesat/Freeview combi TV stopped receiving ITV1HD on Freesat due to change in the transmitted signal that Panasonic failed to issue an update for, then more recently BBC1HD started to break up. Bought a Freesat receiver. Now on Freeview some channels are breaking up. The signal from the aerial goes into a multi way booster and for example the far newer TV in the kitchen works fine. The aerial lead to the combi TV is only 0.5m long and I have now tried three different ones without success. Maybe time for a new TV.
So much for the forecast on the local news - it only stopped raining perhaps 20 minutes ago. So I got a bit wet sorting out the last of the things I needed to do.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with corned beef, the other with sliced avocado, along with an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Going to spend a relaxing evening watching the rugby.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Normally I'm at Derby velodrome for track racing but tonight I'm here ..


Different wheels, geared up and will probably still be battered.

The temperature in here is :heat: so GB must have been doing speed runs earlier today.
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Legendary Member
I braved the dreaded roundabout and have survived to tell the tale. Do I get a badge?

No disasters occurred, didn't see anything difficult about the layout. Traffic is a disaster though and no amount of traffic lights will fix that as there are just too many cars trying to get into a bottleneck town which was built without any proper planning, and everything scattered about everywhere. The relief road runs through the retail park making it difficult to walk anywhere as cars are always given priority and the hundreds of acres of car parking means everything is very spread out. Funny thing is that the carparks are usually empty apart from everyone fighting over the spaces outside the shop!



If someone undergoes all the tests for ruling other things out, what is the remedy for long Covid?

I am guessing that it would include a healthy diet, gentle exercise and fresh air, and resting when necessary. Are there any particular vitamins that are likely to help?

That depends on what the effects are and how bad they are, long covid is not one thing but a combo of effects. So treatment is more a case of managing each one. Ideas and possible treatments are coming up all the time the internet is full of them. As with most long term conditions long covid is often best self managed with input and support for HCP's to do it. Once a referral is made to long covid service a HCP can then give you access code for NHS online recovery program. Anyone however can access the main part of the site Which has lot's of info and help on common longer lasting effects of covid. Self help groups also are around. For most they are short to medium term issues some do however have long lasting effects.
General well being and fitness won't do any harm as for vitamins I've seen no credible information as a signal treatment. It was doing the rounds as a treatment for covid but that quickly got exposed as total rocking horse manure.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Noting the above I'm taking a kicking, mostly from the GB youth RSR (Regional School of Racing) girls/women and riders from a ladies U23 team. Best so far of 10th/17 after 3 races and I'm dead with 2 races to go.

"Meh. Should try harder" go the good members of CC as they sip their after-dinner tea/coffee/beer/wine/champagne.

On a better note I picked up a nice frame from Bury earlier for a turbo-bike frame-swap. Will post in the "... bought ..." thread when I'm home.
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