If I tell you I'll have to kill you ...

All I can say is that there was an amazing spread, and that most of it has been tested to destruction ...

(and that my transport method worked

Might have to arrange a CC Ecosse RV ride some time soon, with the RV destination being our kitchen. We haven't had one of these for a few years now. A revival of
Magnatom's 'Pedal for Cake' ride perhaps? Preferably without any of the slight incidents along the way! (there should be an ancient thread somewhere on CC if you want to be nosy)
For those that don't know (yet), we switch from proper CC Ecosse rides to RV rides for the winter, where somebody names a time and a place (where cake/soup/hot drinks can be found - cafe or somebody's home), to meet up for a blether

. Everybody makes their own way at their own pace, so hanging around in cold temperatures

waiting for each other in the pouring rain/driving snow doesn't become an issue...
We do stop when there is a risk of black ice though
