Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Now I'm really curious ... what do the guidelines say about freewheeling?

Not about freewheeling as such, about the lesson: we are supposed to follow EDICT (Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Correct, Try again) plus I have to work with another who's supposed to be the assistant (me the instructor) then we have to change roles half way, and only have 10 minutes allocated to do it all! :cry:
:eek: What's this? Hope you are OK, @HLaB (and your bike, too!):hugs:
A car came Into the back of me on a wide country road because the sun was in her eyes! The cheap Viking took it better than me but Im not too bad calf is wrecked but touchwood thats just deep bruising yet to surface.


Cycling is fun ...
A car came Into the back of me on a wide country road because the sun was in her eyes! The cheap Viking took it better than me but Im not too bad calf is wrecked but touch wood thats just deep bruising yet to surface.

Ouch! :hugs:Get well soon ...

A car came Into the back of me on a wide country road because the sun was in her eyes! The cheap Viking took it better than me but Im not too bad calf is wrecked but touchwood thats just deep bruising yet to surface.
Ugh. That's no excuse at all :sad: GWS!


105% knowledge on 105
A quick thanks to those that have sponsored my cycle tomorrow. Feeling pretty kicked in the teeth that my " real" pals haven't dropped a penny, so to get you guys supports fantastic. Yet again you have been a great support to me. Owe you guys and gals a great debt this year :smile:


A quick thanks to those that have sponsored my cycle tomorrow. Feeling pretty kicked in the teeth that my " real" pals haven't dropped a penny, so to get you guys supports fantastic. Yet again you have been a great support to me. Owe you guys and gals a great debt this year :smile:

I'll give when i get paid :thumbsup:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
That's easy ... pedal furiously, take your feet off the pedals and go "Wheeeeeeee!" :thanks::biggrin:

Presentation went well, passed cyclecraft 1 for instructors.
My "pupils" (course colleagues) asked " do we have to take our feet of the pedals???" :rolleyes:
Done cyclecraft 2 as well, presentation next Monday on Advanced Stop Lines :stop:^_^

@Fubar I'm doing a course for Instructors of Bikeability at level 3 sponsored (paid for lol) by the "a better way to work" organization.
Discovered today that I need to unlearn some wrong stuff I've been doing, like:
keep both hands on the bars at starting off - was keeping only one
use mostly the back brake, feather with the front - was using mostly the front
keep primary on more instances - was, for example, keeping in secondary when turning left
Luckily I have a full week of commuting to practice on before next weeks final assessment :sweat:


Cycling is fun ...
:scratch:have just had to devise a way to carry a large baking tin on the back of my bike ... It's 'Apple Day' at our workplace tomorrow, and quite a few of us took home some apples from our wee Millennium Orchard, to bring back tomorrow as an apple dish of one's choice ... so there will be lots of cake testing scoffing during morning tea break ... :wahhey::hungry::mrpig:
I think I've sorted it, so hopefully the tray will be able to travel safely and not fall off along the way :ph34r:.



:scratch:have just had to devise a way to carry a large baking tin on the back of my bike ... It's 'Apple Day' at our workplace tomorrow, and quite a few of us took home some apples from our wee Millennium Orchard, to bring back tomorrow as an apple dish of one's choice ... so there will be lots of cake testing scoffing during morning tea break ... :wahhey::hungry::mrpig:
I think I've sorted it, so hopefully the tray will be able to travel safely and not fall off along the way :ph34r:.


Save some for the next CC ride :hungry:
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