I think I've identified the noise, but clueless as to the solution
The rear wheel makes noise when spinning - a similar noise can be recreated by gently moving the back circle in the cassette - there is a bit of play in it. Is this normal? I'm thinking it shouldn't move like that.
I feel really stupid going to the LBS yet again, and they are likely getting p*ssed off with the sight of me - but not half as much as I'm getting p*ssed off at this bike. It's got about 1000 miles on it, has had various broken spokes, crap brakes that took 3 trips to LBS to get to a decent standard, the bottom bracket had to be replaced after about 650 miles, it's just one thing after another!
I really like cycling but this side of it is crap! It's a C2W bike but I'm still on the verge of getting the noise eradicated then selling it on and buying something else. Not sure the legality of this, but 2 cycles to every LBS trip is getting on my nerves!