What a contrast this afternoon

was to yesterday

and this morning

East Lothian is beautiful in any weather, but today was extra special

... amazing 3D clouds in a clear blue sky, that clear golden light you only get once the summer is over, the maple trees turning red and yellow, the Esk very high & brown after the rain, noisy oystercatchers by the sea, white horses, lots of smiling cyclists & walkers everywhere, that effortless feeling of flying along the road - until I turned round and headed back west anyway
(into a bit of a headwind)
New Belles route tested, lunch/cake stop provisionally booked for 18th October

... fingers crossed for a day like today

There is just one more quiet link I need to check, the stream of football supporters (Hibs) monopolising some of the planned route got in the way

I suppose I better check their match schedule 
EDIT: they are playing away