Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Yep. If I get the op next week it will be another six to eight weeks in a sling and about three months before I could cycle. Yes. I was alone and no mobile phone so had to get the chain back on the bike and cycle home. Still don't know how I made it!
Yeah, it's a worry finding yourself alone riding in the "wilderness".
I did several similar trips last year, nothing major, was just trying to find my way to Edinburgh from Glasgow using quiet country roads.
You know how it is here, a few miles out of town you're in sheep land :laugh:
I don't know how to solve this, bar from telling a pal "if you have no news of me after such a time call an ambulance", but how would they find you?
Nowadays, I try to get a cycling pal to ride with me into the unknown.


Bionic Subsonic
Good news - glad that the op is over, and you are back home. That x-ray looked rather nasty! :ohmy:
What's the time frame you've got for healing, or is it too early to tell? Wishing you lots of patience and that the soreness will disappear quickly.


P.S. You are in good company, a certain UK TdF rider has apparently suffered a separated shoulder ...:B)
Not sure yet. The staples come out in a couple weeks and then I start with the physioterrorist. Probably not riding much until late August/early September but I'll have to see how it goes.

Got a lot more range for my arm even compared to yesterday today, but they had to go through the bicep to tie the rod onto the lower bone and through the shoulder to insert it, so I'm not very good at lifting or holding my lower arm up without support.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Evening all!
Are we going to have a night out for @Rasmus leaving?
Injured and non injured both welcome :laugh:
A wee story for you about the mentality of risk taking:
today I went on a GoBike ride, lots of hills and of course the downhills after, actually ended up in the wee cafe in Kilmarcom (?) where we had our stop on a CC Ecosse, the one @mr messy got almost wiped out at a roundabout then almost doored :rolleyes:
Anyway, I mentioned that I'm scared of downhill, one of the group told me to get a helmet :wacko:
Was not wearing one on this occasion, I don't sometimes in summer, too hot.
Apparently the wearing of a helmet would increase my confidence in taking downhills at speed.
Well, I'm still scared of downhill in winter, when I wear a helmet every day to protect my heid from the cold!


Cycling is fun ...
There is scientific evidence that wearing a helmet encourages risk taking, both by the wearer (who may go faster than they would without a helmet) and by passing drivers (who may think the cyclist will be OK if they hit him/her :wacko:) ... I can dig out the evidence, if you want to see it ... but let's not turn this into a h****t thread ;). Quickly back to the main topic :whistle:

I was also wondering whether @Rasmus would have the time and want to have some sort of 'au revoir' ride:bicycle:, meal :hungry: or cake :mrpig: (or all three combined :smile:)... when are you off to the sunny south again?:cry:



Without a clever title
I was also wondering whether @Rasmus would have the time and want to have some sort of 'au revoir' ride:bicycle:, meal :hungry: or cake :mrpig: (or all three combined :smile:)... when are you off to the sunny south again?:cry:


I leave on the 31st. TBH my schedule is looking pretty messy until then - I might just have to come back up for the Christmas drinks...
Hey, that one is older, more expensive, out of stock in my size :wacko:
Small frames are hard to come by, I have found out :angry:
@Telemark, Colombo and I are getting on like a house on fire now :thumbsup: apart a wee rattling of the mudguards I need to sort.
Was just window shopping :smile:
@edindave ... woof indeed :biggrin: ... yeahbut ... the last thing I need is another bike :laugh:
Here's a smaller cheaper Scott for you Pat ;)

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
@mr messy here's a picture :laugh:

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