how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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Über Member
I cycle 3 miles- there
3 miles back
But always try to lenghten the pm ride- for fun.

Sometimes that can be 12 mile- sometimes just to the off licence!


6.5 miles each way, little bumpy so gives me a good workout


Senior Member
South Norfolk
Going to attempt my first commute next week, 14 miles each way. Will have to carry uniform and stuff in backpack, as well as lock. Have located a shower on premises (would be amazed how difficult that could actually be in a 1000 bed hospital!!) Wish me luck, will let you know how I get on!!

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Going to attempt my first commute next week, 14 miles each way. Will have to carry uniform and stuff in backpack, as well as lock. Have located a shower on premises (would be amazed how difficult that could actually be in a 1000 bed hospital!!) Wish me luck, will let you know how I get on!!
Good luck with that, although I doubt you'll need it, since you seem to have your planning all worked out :thumbsup:.


Active Member
I have just under 6km there I will always cycle back a much longer route. 40/50km is the max but it really depends on time I finish. Working at an events company erecting marquees can have varied hours so it really always depends on what time I finish work.


Senior Member
South Norfolk
Well, I did it, ended up being 15.7 miles on the way there and 16 back. Absolutely beautiful day, lovely ride with my husband, great way to start and end a day at work. Very pleased with myself, hour and 10 mins to do it each way. My legs stopped working about a mile from home, but didn't last long. Going to do it again soon. Happy bunny :smile:


Hi All, I have a 30 mile round trip, it's not too hilly and wakes me up a treat before work. It actually is quicker to cycle than to drive for me due to congestion

young Ed

Hi All, I have a 30 mile round trip, it's not too hilly and wakes me up a treat before work. It actually is quicker to cycle than to drive for me due to congestion
impressive mine is only 15 round trip but i will increase it sometime soon
Cheers Ed


impressive mine is only 15 round trip but i will increase it sometime soon
Cheers Ed

Cheers mate, it becomes addictive but must stress that the big test will come with the wind, sleet and snow the wi Ted brings. If I am still doing the ride in Jan and Feb I will be pleased


Still at the planning stage for me, yet to get the bike. c018.gif

Just shy of ten miles each way for me - one or two days a week to begin with. Once I have the bike I'll do a Saturday run to get rough times and find anything I'll need to be aware of as it'll be dark by the time I get sorted.


Link to route: CLICK.

young Ed

Cheers mate, it becomes addictive but must stress that the big test will come with the wind, sleet and snow the wi Ted brings. If I am still doing the ride in Jan and Feb I will be pleased
will become harder physically and slower for winter but to help with snow, ice etc i am thinking of investing in a pair of these to fit when any snow or ice comes and then remove soon as any remenants of it is gone
Cheers Ed




Still at the planning stage for me, yet to get the bike. c018.gif

Just shy of ten miles each way for me - one or two days a week to begin with. Once I have the bike I'll do a Saturday run to get rough times and find anything I'll need to be aware of as it'll be dark by the time I get sorted.


Link to route: CLICK.

Enjoyable on the way too work, quite testing on the way back ?
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