how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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As I am a contractor, my main place of work is my home. Therefore my commute is a business expense, if I drive I can claim 45p a mile and if I cycle it's 20p a mile (
Machew..ah, I understand now = thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately I'm still an employed 'wage slave' for 4 days a week so can't claim similarly.


I'm taking advantage of the weather and cycling all the way to work. Usually I leave home at 1740 for a nightshift, cycle to the station, take two trains and get to work at 1835.
Tonight I left just before 1740, cycled just under 15 miles and arrived in Springburn at 1847.
After a 12 hour shift I'm usually done in, so I let the train take the strain on the way home.
Varies, depending on work commitments/meetings etc. Try and do 5 days a week where possible, probably averages out at 3 days a week over the year.

Distance also varies, again due to other commitments. When I can, I cycle all the way in (24 miles each way, across edge of Exmoor, so nice and lumpy). Otherwise, it's 12 mile drive to my workmates house, then 11.5 mile each way ride.

Cycling round these parts certainly nicer views than my old commutes in and around Coventry and Birmingham in the 80's and 90's.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I just found out that a work colleague of mine commutes 25km each way. What makes his story remarkable is that last year he was overweight to the point where he couldn't walk properly. Then early this year, I noticed that a lot of that weight had suddenly come off. Most likely surgery, I thought, to be that rapid. But then I also noticed him a few times during the year in the work bike cage, preparing to ride off on a bicycle at the end of the work day. Well that's a good way to keep the weight down (and perhaps even lower it even more), I thought. Then I saw him again today just as I was leaving work, and we were both getting ready to cycle home, and casually asked him how long his bicycle commute was, and was gobsmacked when he told me it was 25km each way. That's one of the best things I've heard all year :smile:. It's clearly done him a lot of good, and it's nice to see that he's sticking with it.


New Member
If i was to ride bike to work then it be less than a mile and nature of job means i often start at depot but finish in town which is a short walk from my house , sometimes ride bike to depot before shift on a midnight finish so i don't have to wait around for staff bus and cycle home.


Well-Known Member
8.2 miles one way, 16.4 round trip. One decent hill, but mainly flat with lots of traffic lights/cars in a hurry to the next red light....


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Not even far enough to make it worthwhile carrying my bike downstairs from my flat!
It's about 200 metres walk to my work.
Luxury compared to the 25 miles each way commute I had for 6 years, and a 15 mile each way commute for 20 years before that (by car).


New Member
Now that my school's given me access to shower's, I'll be doing a short and sweet 3.7 or 4.7mi route on the way there, and however many miles I feel like on the way back. I probably won't extend by much though, since I have to carry a lot with me, might just hit some hills with the weight on for some training.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
@Brandane I'm not much further 1.6miles; this morning I was 5.5miles an 20.7miles tonight but I have the flexibility for days when it goes wrong or I want to get in early to leave early; its upto you what you make of your 200m ;-)

The problem with my work is there is nowhere secure to leave the bike. The nearest place would be ..... back upstairs with the bike and leave it in my flat, then walk to work! :smile:
I do sometimes get out after work, but it's not really a commute then.


Über Member
My new commute is 23 miles there and 22.5 miles back. Twice a week at most, but hope to get one full week in before the weather gets too wintery.
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