how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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23 miles each way, I normally stick to the same route so motorists get to know me. On nice afternoons all bets are off, it's easy to turn it into a 30 mile cyclommute home. My furthest ride home was around 80 miles... visiting Tampa Bay's Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Didn't seem so bad until I discovered I had a tail wind there, the headwind was a bitch!


Active Member
Monaghan Ireland
I get fooled by tail winds a lot. You think that your feeling fitter than normal. Until you start to turn back on your self and your discover that you were fooling your self.


What’s the point
the long route i found takes me up to beckton and then doubling back through the Hams ( east and west :smile: ) makes it about 20 miles long


27 miles from Strood to Canary Wharf, so 54mile round trip. I try to do this once a week, but stuff gets in the way some times. I hope to start doing it more than once a week in the new year as part of my training plan. I tend to follow the same route, as I have found a good route with the least traffic, but occasionally vary it, depending on the time of day.


Über Member
16 miles a day as soon as I feel I can trust my bike, and a pretty complicated route done just for me by Google Maps. The route's efficient and normally pretty quiet except for a couple of main roads near the end - which are always stacked for miles with cars, so I'm just glad I'm not them.

I recorded it on my phone once, apparently took 35 minutes. That was taking it pretty easy, though.


Well-Known Member
East Devon
11 miles to work avoiding as many hills as possible so as not to arrive to sweaty, 15 to 20 miles home varying route as I fancy.
2 to 3 days a week. All mostly country lanes.
8 miles normally one way. Everyday everyday, even during the winter.


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
7.5 miles each way 5 days a week sometimes 6. its not too bad. the other route i can do is 8.8 i sometimes throw that in just because.
there is a short 5.5 mile but its across a moss (mosscommuter takes this route) but in the wet its horrid, its full of pot holes (old dirt roads) and when the farmers trim their hedges it effectively throws caltrops all over the road which they do not clean up. oh and your bike gets FILTHY! cause of all the dirt.


In between here and there
14.85 each way - 5 days a week 500ft climbing both directions. Had a bad month this month with missed days due to work and mechanical problems. I have averaged 600 miles a month from Jan -> now. My Record is just over 45 minutes. I now average 48 to 55 mins depending on wind and legs! My first commute took me 1 hour 20!!

Got to the stage now if I do not use the bike to get to work I am one miserable so and so, miss the rush of endorphins. I am even more miserable if I miss it because I couldn't be arsed! Used to use 2 tanks of fuel a month @ £90 much less now. Commute by car is 18 miles using motorways. The only time I do not ride is snow and -5+ with rain due to ice.

It takes a fair bit of organising as I need motor transport either end, so have an old banger one end depending on what my commitments are. I also have to drive into work on a Sunday to swap out clothes etc. The latter and below is because I like ot travel light 10 ltr rucksack at most!

Stopped taking laptop and use the dropbox apps and Outlook 365 for mail so have identical laptops both ends, plus a smartphone make life easier.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
19 mile round trip for me to Cambridge and back, though I work increasingly from home these days so it can sometimes only be twice a week I go to my office.

A nice 25 miler planned to get to a meeting tomorrow in Thetford, through the Forest, to help make up for my lower mileage these days!
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