How big is a portion of cereal in your house?

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A palmful of barley, made into porridge, with raisins. I have been known to follow that up with a plaice fillet, chips and peas though.


Senior Member
St George
For the third time in what feels like as many days I've lost the rag with the children for eating all the cereal.
Three boxes went over the weekend, then I bought two on Wednesday evening and there isn't a sniff of a shreddie left.
I looked on the box of wheetos and it says it contains 16 30g portions, but shreddies recommend 45g.
I did just weigh them - it didn't look very much, but I poured them into a smaller bowl and it seemed reasonable. I just ate 60g and I'm full up.
By my reckoning my children are pouring out 100g a time!
They insist on eating 3 weetabix at a time too.
I have issues don't I?! Humour me.
Rude question Are your kids fat?
No, then don't worry
If you can not afford to be giving thm expensive breakfast foods, don't, go instead and shop at Aldi or Lidl, buy cheaper buy better foods. (aldi et restrict choice not quaility)
Worry more about the milk than the junk caloires..


Cycling in the sun
I am the exception in my family - I eat porridge and enjoy it, day in, day out. My husband and kids on the other hand like cereal - and the rubbish ones at that. I'll just nip and see what boxes we have currently: Cinnamon Grahams, Choc Pillows, butterscotch porridge sachets (better) and the rest of the empty boxes are waiting for the bin men outside.

In fact this household fills the cardboard bin easily partially due to cereal packets. Sometimes there are over 10 different boxes in the cupboard. I hate it as usually they are full of junk - but Mr Summerdays just keeps on buying the stuff!!!


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Reminds me - chippy dinner today - Friday !! Whoop ! Oh and had a sasuage butty for breakfast today. Burp !

Heh! I was forced into consuming a sausage/s (2) in french stick, from Sainsburys this morning. I went in the buy porridge but they only had the Oat So Simple in pots... £1.20! No chance...

I keep a big bag of oats in my desk drawer but forgot that I need to decant more from the huge bag at home and bring them in.


I'm horrified at the sugar, fat and salt content of a lot of cereals and would rather the kids had something else.

But then we lead a "normal" life which means mornings are a vaguely organised panic consisting of:
get up, GET UP!!, have you got your PE kit? Have you got your homework? Have you even done your homework? Get up! No you can't wear your skirt up that high, HAVE YOU GOT YOUR FOOTBALL KIT?, pick your towel up off your floor, your hamster needs food, no I haven't got any change for their dinner money, who's taking him to football tonight? No you said you'd do it, sh!t I'll ring my parents and ask them to do it. Have you left me any petrol in the car? There's no bread for sandwiches, kids can we borrow some money for your school dinner, CLEAN YOUR TEETH, no that wasn't two minutes go and do it again etc etc

So until that changes they get cereal and toast and the utopia of a freshly gathered breakfast of local berries and nuts can take a hike. Or if it's a really bad morning they can lick some peanut butter off a playing card.

Cheshire Celt

3 weetabix for me


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I really like these


but I dont buy them anymore as I can eat the whole packet in a couple of days or less :hungry: they are just so yummy :mrpig:


No, my kids aren't fat - a couple of them are a bit too far on the skinny side.
Yes, I agree, cereal isn't really very good for anyone. Sometimes they have porridge or eggs, but then I have to complain about the mess they leave behind in the kitchen.
Yes, I can afford to feed them - I'd just rather not run out of things every blooming morning!
As for lidl alternatives, yes their cereal is cheaper -but the boxes are tiny in comparison.
It is interesting to hear other people's opinions on a "portion" -and I do agree 30g is not much, but 6 weetabix?! I'm tempted to say OMG, but fear I may get shot.
I'm amazed this has reached page three already, wonder what you'll think of my rant about loo rolls?!
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